Jingle Crime
Read Count : 94
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Jingle crime, jingle sin,
Jingle evil all the way,
Oh GOD, when will YOU stop,
All the sins together on the earth.
Dashing through our crimes,
in one perfect thought open minded,
Over everything we go,
committing sin all the way,
Bell on SIN'S Crown keeps ringing,
Making ourselves clear,
What fun is it to do bad and cry,
A sleighing song all your life.
Oh, jingle crime, jingle sin,
Jingle all the way,
Oh, what the fuck it is to spoil,
Riding madly on others life.
Jingle crime, jingle sin,
Jingle bad all the way,
Oh, what the hell you get,
By devastating other's life.