Let’s Talk
Read Count : 68
Category : Stories
Sub Category : N/A
So going to do something different. I want to talk to you. From a different perspective. Many of us have so many feelings that we share with no one. I think you know, what I mean! So the later part of my life has changed so much compared to earlier in life. With this in mind we will start into a whole new type of conversation.So I have known, meet, and friended many people in my life time. One thing that I have noticed is that people don’t like the truth. They seem to like their frontline life not the actual life they live. It’s strange to me cause I have never been this way. Maybe it’s me, I don’t know. But is that even relevant?Ok, I know I am throwing so many ideas out there right now! Where am I going with this, hold on I will get there follow with me. Cause I want this to be a journey for you, as much as it is for me. Are you with me? Then hold on because I need your interaction. As I write I want you to see the conversation that we carry on.