Water Or Slaughter?
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Category : Articles
Sub Category : World
Water.....790 million people live without an improved access of water supply across the globe, And yet half of us are out there wasting what they could be drinking. Water is basically what we Rely to live on, these people without access to clean water from a tap, walk 10 kilometers each trip to find the hole they dug that has dirty contaminated water lurking in it .This water gives them many diseases including Guinea worm disease, typhoid and dysentery just to name a few. 3.4 million deaths are caused by contaminated water because, these people dont have access to clean water. Donating to the thirst project helps them out, by building wells across small countries in Africa, this gives them the opportunity to rebuild there communities. Many celebrities have contributed to the thirst project, helping people reach to there goal of clean water. These celebrities include Andrea Bowen, Ashley Argota, boo boo Stewart and the late Cameron Boyce as well as many other celebrities. Although these celebrities all had contribution however, Cameron Boyce raised over $30,000, therefore winning the pioneering sprit award at the thirst project gala. A quote come from his speech accepting the award "we all to....what you leave should be bigger than you".This quote should speak to everyone, leave something you think that is important to you, leave something that you know you have impacted and made a difference on. I think that everyone should try to change what they believe in....don't ?