The First Time Ever I Saw His Face Read Count : 139

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
The first time I saw his face was absolutely amazing. I walked in to the club where he and his band were performing.  As the drummer, he was not usually the featured singer, but for this song, his special song as he calls it, the very versatile organ player took over on the drums so that he could sing “Totally Amazing “. And totally amazing indeed he was. I had heard him sing this song before on a recording, but had never heard it live. In fact, I’d never seen him live, but I loved his voice and his music ability. 

And when I got my first glimpse of him as I walked into the club, my legs turned to Jello and my heart melted. Those blazingly bright blue eyes stared at me as our eyes met and it was indeed love at first sight for me, and as I was later to find out, for him as well. We were “Strangers in the Night”, but that changed forever after the show was over. 


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