Anyone Can Write!!! Read Count : 308

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Motivation

Let me first introduce myself so that you can better understand why I am writing this. 

My name is Stephanie Sheets. I am a mother and wife from a small town in the mountains of Tennessee. Yes I speak using the words like you all, ain't ya and many others. Some words I honestly think my brain just made up itself. In elementary school I was not very popular. I decided I would rather goof off than pay attention in school. I just did what it took to get me by and get me out of school. Something happened in between my eighth grade year and me going to into high school. I lost a lot of weight and the curves suddenly showed up in the right places. That's when I discovered boys. My high school was spent being boy crazy rather than worrying about my subjects.  I always loved to write though. My only problem was I never really learned in English. Sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, spelling never really soaked in. 

     So now here I am a 40 year old wanting to be a writer. My first thoughts are oh no, how am I ever going to be a writer and me not knowing anything about the basics of writing. That's when it hit me. I'm a 40 year old women wanting to be a writer who cares about what I don't know? I need to be myself and write how I know to write. Use the language I speak. 

      Looking at some of the books I read and I read alot. I honestly do not understand alot of the big fancy words people use. I sure as heck dont have a thesauras or dictionary to look up words and if I did I would be looking up words all day long. I would never get the story read. If they missed a coma or put the wrong punctuation at the end of the sentence I honestly did not catch it. 

I do truly believe in the writing process though. I do understand people still have to understand what you mean. I just want to reach out to the people like myself who feel overwhelmed when they see the things other people write and it is so hard to understand. I second guess many times because I don't use big fancy words. I don't use proper sentences and punctuation but now I see the light. I am going to be myself. This Mountain Girl can do it. I have alot of smart and helpful things to say even though it may not be proper English. I want to encourage everyone to do what they love but to stay true to themselves and this is just the beginning of me helping people do just that. 


  • Jun 28, 2019

  • Jun 28, 2019

  • Thank you Stephanie aka Roweena, for writing this piece and sharing your own journey. About three years ago (before i stumbled upon Writer's Outlet), a friend approached me with an idea of a book collaboration. He rold me upfront that his strength is poetry, which is not my strength. After nuch coaxing and persuasion on his part, i agreed to work with him on the book. I can still remember he wrote this very long poem about three pages long. I can't remember the title of his poem but i remember having to look up words in the disctionary in every line he wrote. He was going all heavy and shit with big bombastic words all throughout his three-paged poem. But guess what? By the time i came to the end of his poem, i was blur. I didn't know what i just read because i had to keep going back to the dictionary to look up words. And when i asked him to explain his poem to me, he couldn't. Why? Because he himself had lost the plot whilst writing it. He then admitted to me that he only piled on the bombastic words to impress me because poetry isn't my strength. That book project went bust and though he is also a writer in Writer's Outlet, he has been struggling with his writing. Always do You. As long as people get what you're saying at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

    Jun 28, 2019

  • thx alot you inspired me to writers you also write brilliantly Ps amazing work ☺☺

    Jul 01, 2019

  • Jul 26, 2019

  • ok

    Sep 08, 2019

  • Sep 16, 2019

  • Very nice. It's a true statement that you do not have to be Edgar Allan Poe to tell a story.

    Sep 23, 2019

  • amazing

    Oct 26, 2019

  • I can understand that, I'm 25 with a learning disability but I love to write.

    Nov 11, 2019

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