The Great Journey Read Count : 129

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure


Piney: £€, ¥€£¥¶£¥£€¥£∆¥£££€¥£? (Wait, don't we need better weapons and armor? Mark: What did he say? Jake: He said we need better armor. <To Piney> ¥, £€€∆ (Yeah, we do.)  Jacob: Well, we don't even have a workshop, we need to build one. <On Mt Crispy> Pine Destroyer: £££! €¥€£¥¥£€∆£¥∆¶¥? (Hah! Are they too scared to come near here? 

Pine Guard: £€¥∆£. (It seems like it.) <Back At The Camp>  <On The Radio> Jake: Everyone please start working on the new workshop. £¥€£€¶∆£€¶£¥¥∆¶. <Around Midnight> Jessica: FINALLY, we're done. 

Mark: so... tired... Piney: ¥¥€£... ¥£€¥£∆¶... (i need... mashed potatoes...) Jake: Speaking about mashed potatoes, let me check the food supply. <He Checks It> Jake:... We have no food... <Piney Leaves>  

Steve: Where's he going? <Piney Comes Back With Some Seeds, Potatoes, Lettuce, And A Apple> Mark: Wow. :O Jake: That was unexpected... Also, we need to start sending out a group of troops to get food. We also need to make a building team to make buildings and shelters. 1st we need a farm, to grow the seeds Piney brought. Mark: Ok, I'll start choosing people for groups.


  • I'm loving this story more every time I read another chapter!

    Jun 28, 2019

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