CityPlace Becomes Rosemary Square InDowntown West Palm Beach Read Count : 155

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For years, CityPlace has thrived and provided you with a place to dine, shop, and more. However, CityPlace in downtown West Palm Beach is now becoming Rosemary Square. This is much more than just a name change; there are also big plans to update and improve the area in downtown West Palm that will now be known as Rosemary Square. Rosemary Square is going to offer you a vibrant community with new residences, public green spaces, and new culinary offerings. Check out some of the changes coming to downtown Palm Beach below. 

•	360 Rosemary – Rosemary Square plans to bring new office space to downtown West Palm in the form of 360 Rosemary. 360 Rosemary is a 300,000 square foot office building that will make downtown West Palm Beach a center for commerce in South Florida. The West Palm community has seen a 20 percent employment growth over the last seven years, and this building will help that growth continue.

•	Water Pavilion West Palm – CityPlace celebrated art with different public art projects and art installations. Rosemary Square wants to continue to celebrate art even more with the addition of more public artwork. One of these new public art projects is Water Pavilion West Palm, created by Jeppe Hein. This is a work of art that both children and adults can interact with as they walk through the vertical columns of water. 

•	Tacos & Hip-Hop – Local DJ Steve Pershad and Ricky Perez of taqueria Zipitios first started Tacos & Hip-Hop as a fun gathering with friends. However, it ended up being extremely popular, and they decided to turn it into a pop-up restaurant in downtown West Palm Beach. This new restaurant is just one of the new culinary experiences you can enjoy in Rosemary Square. 

•	True Food Kitchen – Another Rosemary Square culinary experience will be True Food Kitchen, which is coming to downtown Palm Beach in the coming months. True Food Kitchen is a health-conscious dining experience that offers tasty dishes that are also good for you. Don’t miss out on the chance to eat out and eat healthy at the same time.  

As you can see, Rosemary Square is bringing some great changesto downtown West Palm Beach and this area will now have even more to offer than it did before. Click here to learn more about Rosemary Square and the changes you can expect to see coming soon.


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