Magic Of Clown Read Count : 164

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Daily he tells card numbers 

any audience pulls from pack 

rises the girl in air 

without lift or tool 

he is magician cool 

and shrewd 

be fools kids, young, man 

and women chanting 

incantations waving 


produces pigeon waving red napkin 

kids give a big applause youths wonder his spell disappears bikini girl 

in closed chamber 

people amazed 

seeing bikini girl 

in theatre 

Magician cuts the girl in two pieces 

thighs flitter panty bleeds 

girl sighs and nods 

hissing clitches 

in two boxes 

appear in 


wholesome physique 

clown daily fails in performance 

people laugh a lot 

mimicry no avail 

cuts two pieces 


Clown amazes and weeps 

no blood no card numbers 

he gets true in show 

he gets pittance 

not full wages 

no magic 


he knows 

Magician jumps from the bridge 

clown handcuffed magician 

locked him in box pushes 

in river from the boat 

clown waves key 

people admire 

magician appears 

in another bank 

Huodini Escape Show 

live performed 

clown hits the nails on head 

he jumps in river 

and cries for help 

volunteers save him 

people laugh again a lot 

It is determination 

to defeat magician in show 

clown challenges magician 

but fails in all events 

card numbers, lifting girl in air 

cutting two pieces bikini girl 

Clown challenges magician 

not to perform Huodini Escape Show 

drowning you cry for help 

no rescue to avail 

people laugh a lot 

kids applause clap clap 

magician slaps the clown 

you challenge me my talent 

my pride esteem 

I am your master you servant 

clown weeps loudly 

people laugh good 

Magician jumps from the bridge 

clown handcuffs magician 

he thrashes clown on chest 

and head, clown cries not to jump 

not to perform Huodini Escape Show 

bikini girl slaps clown 

locks the magician in box 

snatches keys from his fist 

bikini girl pushes the clown 

in river from the boat 

clown cries help help 

she laughs and throws box 

in river, clown cries help 

magician will die soon 

Bikini girl dives from boat 

and saves the clown 

people, clown and girl are waiting 

ten minutes box drowned 

fifteen minutes passed 

no key clown has 

all thrown in the river 

bikini girl is searching keys 

dives in the river from boat 

sank keys in water missing 

box closed and locked 

but volunteers lift the light box 

where eloped magician 

magician died drowned in water 

fished out body from river 

clown weeps warned him not to perform Huodini Escape Show 

Sudden clown burst in laughter 

bikini girl handed over duplicate key 

magician's tricks delayed 

suffocating him in box 

thrown original key in water 

made my show successful 

my show is successful 

what I challenged 

I am master of show 

bikini girl made clown 

in laughter show

magician fought last breath 

met Houdini in another world 

bikini girl says:

"what hell what disaster " 

---- Kamal Kishore Sharma 

Behind Hotel Midtown Sneh Nagar Ward Number 27, Balaghat ( MP)India 

481001 +91 9424614441 8966088853 

Date: Thursday June 27, 2019

Word notes:

Clown  - a comic entertainer 

Wand  - a thin light weight rod made of wood 

Flitter  - v. move quickly in an apparently random manner 

or purpose less 

Effigy - a sculpture or model of a person 

Pittance  - a very small or inadequate amount of money 

Applause  - praise expressed by clapping 

----- Kamal Kishore Sharma Balaghat India 481001 +91 9424614441 8966088853 Date: 27/06/2019


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