One Thing Read Count : 60

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A


Philippians 3:14

I press towards the mark of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus for me.

Gaze fixed on the prize

I'm am His workmanship,

A colabourer with God

I've got to finish my course

In anticipation of the day of the Lord

*[One day I'll stand before the throne to account for the things I did

One day I'll stand before your throne to account for the things I did

I was made for you, to show forth your praise, let the world know about your never ending grace

Longing to see your face

Then I'll take my place.

Waiting for the day]*

Run with patience,

Work with diligence.

Maintain your focus

In soul winning, do the work of an evangelist

In your giving be a son of consolation

In intersession carry out your priestly mission

Permit no distractions

Be not slothful in His business

Let zeal for His house consume you

*[Host of heaven, patriachs and

Millions of saints who made it

Feast in heaven, standing ovation and applause of those who did so much for the Lord

Will my name be called?

Did I end my course?

Or I allowed distractions to come along the way?

What will Jesus say?

So I have to run this race

Waiting for the day...]*

I understand you did some great exploits some time ago but what are you doing Now?


Past occurrences and experiences may have discouraged you but come on!!!

Lay aside every weight.

Run your race to win

The reward is worth it.

A crown of victory

Then a smile and 7 words;

"Well done, thou Good and faithful servant, 


*[So one thing I do, forgetting those things that are behind, pressing toward the mark

Did I do the things You asked me to?

Did I go where You asked me to go?]*

Forget the things of yesteryears

The mark lies ahead and

on that day,

You will will be rewarded,

Not for the things you ought to have done or for the things you thought of doing

But for those things which you actually did.

So child of God,

Get up on your feet,

Do the work of the father while it is day,

For the master is on his way

And on that day,

Night will have come and no man will work

*[I count myself not to have attained

I do my best to proclaim your name

I forget my past successes

I forget what's past and gone

I press towards the mark

I can do much more for You...


Now close your eyes for a second

Imagine Jesus standing before you,

What will He say to you?

What will you say you did?

What. Will. The. Master. Say. To. You?

La lala lala

La lala lala 

La lala lala

La lala lala la


  • I know. O, help me 2 do! He's 4 me & 4 U!

    Sep 03, 2019

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