Wisdom Speaks Read Count : 144

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

I, wisdom am God's first born,

It was me He possessed right before creation, when the earth was formless and desolate

It was my melody He hummed to Himself when by His Spirit He incubated all creation as He hoovered over the face of the deep.

When he created the earth, the fields, even the first atom of dust,

I was already there.

When he hung the tapestry of the heavens and stretched out the horizon of the earth,

when the clouds and skies were set in place and the subterranean fountains began to flow strong,

l was already there.

when he set in place the pillars of the earth and spoke the decrees of the seas, commanding the waves so that they wouldn’t overstep their boundaries,

I was there, close to the Creator’s side as his master artist.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday crowd, my lyrics can be heard above the din of the crowd.

If you would heed to my voice, you would hear me for I speak, you would hear my warnings as I courageously preach to any one who cares to listen.

So ensure you are attentive, be sure to comprehend and follow my instructions through to the last detail.

Sway not from my advices, turn not away from the paths I set you on, 

For I am the masterkey, fully capable of unlocking the treasures of that scrumptious future you fantasize about.

I know it's wealth you require, 

I'm aware its Honor you desire, but hold your horses, of me, just enquire and pay attention as i speak.

Don't go robbing banks or preying on rich men to drink their blood, just invite me into your home and I won't come alone.

I'll tag along my 2 of my best friends, riches and honour, for like a 3 threaded cord, we remain inseparable.

Invest in understanding, if need be, spend all your life savings on her and thank me later.

Don't make excuses, lest poverty pounce on you like a bandit and before you know it she's your roommate for life. 

Embrace understanding, whisper sweet things into her ear and she'll minimize your errors.

She'll make you erudite and ensure riches and honour become permanent residents in your household. 


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