Happiness And Joy Read Count : 154

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
There are so many hurt souls on here
So many beautiful people who are confused lost hurt. 

Hey for all of you are blessing and wonderful unique individuals and its awsome to think  you can  just be you because there will never be another you. Your soul is what matters . Set on fire everything that is hurting and let it  go let the wind take it so far away you will never see  it again. You dont have to feel that way its a choice.  You have the power within you to  heal your self you have  the ancient knowledge with in  you and wisdom in your heart. Live your life the way you want. Life is so dam pretty. The universe an how god created every living thing. It helps to just go out in nature and breath the air admire the beatiful land we walk on and listen  to the birds and let the wind hit you. Feel the power that is in your body heart and soul the universe is all flowing with energy that god created everything out of beautiful positive energy for us to understand and the feeling of knowing you are equal like everyone else and we are all the same and connected to each other we should be all loving each other this universe was to share equalyfor every single person in this world  God  loves us and wants all of us to feel  the universe and love whT he made for everyone to enjoy. Its all about peace  i believe in every single one who is reading this. U no why because you have the power to do anything in the world its right  inside of you


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