Lots Of Time Read Count : 163

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Self Help

It normally happens for everyone and we just can't avoid it. We take a assignment and feel like completing it in a very short period of time but little we know that it is not we who decide it's time but it is our patience, dedication and THAT NEVER DYING DESIRE TO FINISH IT OFF that really sometimes clicks.

Why am I referring sometimes? Because I am struck in an assignment and the funny thing is that I decided I will finish it within no time but little I knew that SOMETIMES NOT ALL OF OUR CALCULATIONS REALLY WORKS OUT THE WAY WE ASSUME IT.

Only GOD knows when it really gets finished.

Now I have becomfulfil anThough I'm


  • Jul 21, 2019

  • Haa... Haaaa

    Jul 21, 2019

  • 😎😎😎😎

    Jul 24, 2019

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