Love Read Count : 113

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
Once upon a time, there was a young lady named Lilah and a young prince named Asriel. This is where it all started. "I wonder where Mom and Dad are?" Said Lilah. "They're barely home, always busy with work or making excuses just for nothing." Lilah felt really upset and decided to take a walk. On this walk, something big happens to Lilah. An unknown voice suddenly cam from no where, "Hey, are you okay you seem upset." Lilah had tears in her eyes and looks up. "Y-Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." Lilah said whole crying. "You don't seem perfectly fine, here." He grabs his sweater sleeve and wipes my tears. Lilah heart filled up with excitement and love. "T-Thank you." "It was my pleasure. Where are my manners, I'm Asriel Wayne. Thanks prince of King Salim." He said with confidence. "Oh you're Prince Asriel, I'm Lilah Smith. Not a princess, just a boring girl." "You're not where near boring, you're beautiful."ejjdjddhdjejeje


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