Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
One morning Emily woke up showered and did what she needed to do. She went and made breakfast then went to woke her little sister up. When Emily got to her sisters room she heard a window shatter so she ran into the room and noticed her sister Loran was gone. Emily yelled "Loran where are you" after a minute of yelling for her sister Emily ran down and picked up her phone she then called the police. Five minutes later there was a knock at the door when Emily opened the door there was no one there so she looked down and found a letter. The letter said "meet me at the park at five in the afternoon tomorrow or else…" Emily panicked and called her friend Wolfie. Wolfie turned wolf and ran over to Emily's. Once Wolfie got there she ran inside to find Emily sitting on the couch crying with the letter in her hand. Wolfie walked over and took the letter then read it. Emily said "what am I going to do she's gone and it's my fault" Wolfie said "no Emily it is not your fault". Emily said "but she is not here right now is she" Wolfie said "no but you are not the one who took her so don't worry we will find your little sister" Emily had tears running down her face so Wolfie walked over then hugged Emily and said "stop crying if any one can find Loran I can I am her aunt so We will find her". Emily said "ok what do I tell her school" Wolfie said "you tell them that she is very sick and that she wont be at school for a while because of the sickness" Emily said "what if they dont believe it". Wolfie said "then I will go down to the school and make them believe it" Emily said "oh ok". So Emily called the school and told them that Loran was sick and etc. But while Emily was on the phone Wolfie went up stairs and turned wolf then sniffed Lorans scent out. Emily looked around for Wolfie but couldn't find her so she went up to Lorans room and found a beautiful but big white wolf looking out the window. Wolfie turned around and seen Emily then barked Emily walked backwards until she was out of the room then she shut and locked the door. Wolfie said "Emily you alright" Emily said " i am just going to call my other friends to see if they can help us". Wolfie used something in her eyes to see the trail of Lorans scent but when she turned around she seen two or three people and a big cage standing there at the door so she panicked then growled at them. Emily said "please don't hurt her" one of the people said "you called about a wolf and we came to gat it so we are going to do what ever we have to do to take it". The people walked towards Wolfie and she walked backwards until her wolf butt was against the wall. Emily left the room and sat in the living room. As the people got closer Wolfie started to try to bite them but as she went to bite one a nother one got her and soon she couldn't get freed or bite any one cause the people who are vets gave her sleep shots and she was asleep. They put a muzzle on her then put her in the cage and took her down stairs to where Emily was they said "well your wolf problem is gone if you need any thing else just call" Emily said "thank you guys very much and make sure that she is released far away from me" one person told the rest of the men to take the wolf to the car and said to Emily "ok we will do that in a few months" Emily said "what do you mean in a few months" the dude said "miss we have to make sure she doesnt have any diseases and make sure she is ok and everything else" Emily said "oh ok well just dont hurt her" the guy turned and left then drove to his lab. They got to the lab an hour later then took Wolfie inside where they were holding two others. Once they put the cage down and left the room Wolfie woke up and said "hello any one there" she heard a young girls voice said "aunty Wolfie?" Wolfie said "Loran is that really you" Loran said "yes its me" Wolfie said "are you ok did they hurt you or anything" Loran said "o im fine but I'm really scared cause they told me that they were bringing in a wolf and they were gonna feed me to it" Wolfie said "well that wolf wont be eating you" Loran said "what do you mean" Wolfie said "I am the wolf" Loran said "no your not" Wolfie pulled the blanket off of the cage she was in. Loran said "your not a wolf aunty" Wolfie said "watch" Wolfie turend wolf and Loran said "does sissy know" Wolfie said "thats the problem" Loran saud "why is that the problem" Wolfie turned human and said "thats why I'm here because she seen me and freaked" Loran said "oh ok but I'm still scared and I want my sissy" Wolfie said "Loran listen to me I will get you out of here no matter what happens you will always be safe" Loran said "ok". The people came back and seen that Wolfie was awake but in human form and one said "so your a hybrid" Wolfie growled and Loran said "aunty" the person said "shut up" Wolfie turned wolf and said "don't tell her to shut up" the guy said " what ever men get the wolf and take her to the room for a fun hour or two". All the other men picked up the cage that Wolfie was in and took her to the room for experiments. The guy who told them to walked up to where Loran was and said "you are next so be ready you little brat" Loran said "I'm not scared of you all you are is a big jerk" the guy said "oh we will see who the jerk is once the wolf is done with her work" Loran said "she is not a jerk…". She got interrupted as the guy said "SHUT UP LITTLE GIRL" Loran sat down and backed away from the guy who was standing at the front of the cage. Wolfie said "let me out now" one of the guys hit the cage and it indented a bar so once the cage was put down and a blanket was thrown over it Wolfie started to try to break the cage. An half an hour later some one went into the room where Wolfie was and uncovered her cage she was in wolf form acting to be asleep so she didn't see the people put a sleep shot near her just in case. The person picked Wolfie up and put her on the bed that had straps then started to strap her down when she stood up and attacked the guy and he fell on the floor. Loran was still sitting there when some one opened the cage door and grabbed her by the arm so she screamed Wolfie heard the scream so she reacted and ran back to find Loran in a mans grip and she was crying so Wolfie growled and the guy quickly let go of Loran so Loran ran over to Wolfie and hugged her and said "he was going to hurt me if I didn't listen so I screamed" Wolfie said "yeah I heard but now we have to get out and get you home" Loran said "ok but there is more people coming" Wolfie said "how do you know that" Loran said "I don't know I just hear people running down the hallway this way". Wolfie said "are you part wolf" Loran said "no I don't think so" Wolfie said "oh ok". Wolfie leaned down and said "know how to ride a horse" Loran said "no" Wolfie said " well you are about to learn get on" Loran got on Wolfies back and held on Wolfie ran through the building trying to find an exit. Loran said "do you hear that it sounds like a person who is hurt" Wolfie said "yeah I hear it lets go find out what it is" they jogged through the halls until they went into a room and found a young boy with black curly hair violet eye a fluffy tail and silky ears so Wolfie walked slowly then ran and hid with Loran still on her back as two men walked in to the room and went over to the young boy and did what they did then they left. Wolfie walked over to the boy and said quietly "are you ok boy" the boy didnt say anything so Wolfie helped him up and carried him on her back with Loran. An hour or two later Wolfie found the front door but when she went through the front door there was a group of people with different things standing there looking at Wolfie and them. Wolfie walked around the group once they got around she took off. The boy was sitting behind Loran and she said "I'm Loran whats ur name" the boy said "my name is Tyler" Loran said "nice to meet you Tyler" Tyler said "nice to meet you two Loran". Loran yawned and Wolfie said "we are almost there just a little longer" Tyler said "if you want to you can lean on me and sleep until we get to qhere ever we are going" Loran leaned back and Tyler held on to her and held onto Wolfie then Loran fell asleep. After a few minutes they got to Emily's house Tyler held Loran until Wolfie turned human. Wolfie held Loran and knocked on the door Emily answered and hugged Loran then said "what did you do to her wolf" Wolfie said "i did nothing to her if this is about you finding out my secret then your wrong i would never hurt my niece because I love her" Emily said "leave and never come back" Wolfie said "ok I will leave but when ever you need my help dont call or text me and when ever Loran wakes up you can tell her how you told me to leave and never come back" she then turned wolf and left Tyler already was gone. Emily put Loran in her room and Emily sat in a rocking chair in Lorans room to make sure she wasn't kidnapped again. Wolfie kept running until she got to a cave and went in. She turned human and started crying so she decided to go and watch over Emily's house so no one can take Loran or Emily. So Wolfie ran back to Emily's house and stayed in the shadows. Loran woke up and said "aunty? Where are you" Emily walked over and sat on the bed. Loran said "where is aunty" Emily said "she left and said that she was never coming back" Loran said "but she said that she would always protect us forever and she also said that no matter what we would always be safe" Emily said "people change and people lie" Loran said "you mean like mommy" Emily said "what do you mean" Loran said "when i was born mommy sent me away until i turned human but you never seen me because mommy wanted you to hate people who can turn into animals so you were being babysat the day i was born" Emily said "no i was there i even held you" Loran said "no you didn't you did not hold me and you were not there when i was born". Emily looked down at the ground and said "you are all human and not part animal mom and dad told me that you were so cute and showed me a picture of you in with the rest of the babies". Loran said "do you have a picture of that" Emily pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Loran. Loran looked through the picture and said "see the tiny baby bed way back in that corner all alone" Emily said "yeah" Loran said "thats me way back there away from the normal people" Emily looked closer at the name and seen that Loran was telling the truth Loran said "I want aunty" Emily said "i told you what she said". Loran stayed laying down and said "ok" Emily said "go back to sleep cause you have school tomorrow" Loran said "ok sis but can you try to get aunty to come back" Emily said "I will try to now get some sleep". Loran went back to sleep and Emily texted Wolfie 'please come back I am sorry about what I said earlier thank you for bringing my little sis back to me and i am sorry that i got scared and called them people on you but my little sis wants you and I need you so if you are mad at me then I understand if you don't want to come back but I am truly sorry'. Wolfie texted 'sorry but you told me never to come back to your house so I will not and you think that I would hurt Loran so no I am staying away from your house for ever'. Wolfie turned her phone off and blocked Emily, Emily looked over at Loran and whispered "I am so sorry little sis" then she went to bed. In the morning Loran woke up and made breakfast then went and woke up Emily. Emily got up and said "shouldn't this be the other way around where I am waking you up" Loran said "come on our food is getting cold". They both went down and started eating when Loran said "so is aunty coming back" Emily quickly changed the subject and said "we better get rolling so you are not late for school" Loran ran up stairs and got dressed then got her book bag then ran downstairs and said "I'm ready" Emily watched Loran walk and get on the bus. Once the bus left Emily said "Wolfie where ever you are I need you to keep an eye out and watch to make sure that Loran is safe I don't care if you protect me just protect my little sis". Wolfie heard what Emily said so she ran and followed the bus up in the tree's. Soon Wolfie got down in the road and was right behind the bus Loran was sitting in the very back of the bus and one of her friends said "wow everybody look there is a white wolf following us"Loran turned around and Wolfie winked.Loran said "thats my aunty" every one else said "yeah you wish that you were that cool" Wolfie heard that then ran up the side of the bus so the bus driver stopped the bus Wolfie tried to get in so Loran walked up to the front and said "may I get out my aunty will give me a ride" the bus driver said "there is a wolf out side of the bus and you want me to let you out" Wolfie layed down and looked at Loran then said "I was told to give my niece Loran a ride" the bus driver opened the door and Loran got on Wolfies back then the bus driver started back on her way Wolfie stayed right behind the bus all the way to the school the kids seen Loran on Wolfies back so Loran said "I told you this is my aunty" the kids all said "wow you are now like the coolest kid in school". Wolfie ran beside the buss and passed it all the kids on the bus seen flames on the road then disappear as Wolfie ran faster and faster soon they were at the school and Loran was getting off of Wolfie when the principal pulled Loran away and took her inside Wolfie then got surrounded by the same people who took her when Emily called on her but this time the principal called.Loran said "Wolfie noooo…" the people who surrounded Wolfie put her in a muzzle. Then they stuck her in a cage Wolfie growled then before Loran got into the school she got out of the principals grasp and screamed so loud every one plugged their ears and fell to the ground Wolfie got out and ran over to her the vet people used those long white sticks with the plastic at the end and put it around Wolfies neck to stop her. Two or three people had to get Loran inside the school and into the front office so the principal could call Emily. Wolfie said quietly "sorry kid I let you down" and she put her head down and had tears running down her face. The people took Wolfie away and back to the lab then made sure that she couldn't get out this time (p.s. if you know wolfie she always escapes and keeps her promises.). Wolfie fell asleep while in the cage on the car ride to the lab. When Wolfie woke up she was human and strapped down to a metal table her wrists her ankles and her whole body was strapped down so she couldn't get up or out. The people were not in the room so she tried to get up but some one walked into the room because of camera's and he said "don't even try to leave because your last escape now we have people at every single exit and every single door and down every single hall way" wolfie said "who says i have to try" the guy poured a little bit of wolves bane on the straps. (Wolves get burned by wolves bane) Wolfie started to yell she said "I guess you don't know me I'm Wolfie and I always escape and keep my promises who are you" the guy said "I am Tom and i am a mythical creature hater and if you continue to talk I promise that you will have the most worst time here ever so shut up" Wolfie said "fine and sorry that I was trying to be nice" Tom walked away then two other men went in and hooked up machines for the starting tests Wolfie said "what are those for" one of the people said "for the starting of your tests" Wolfie said "starting? How many will there be" Tom came back in and said "Wolfie need to get rest so do you two mind" Wolfie then got a sleep shot and said "if thats all you got thwn I'll be awake for a while because I am not tired" the two men gave her two more each and she passed out then Tom did what he did. Loran was sitting in the principals office waiting for Emily to get there so she could talk to the principal. Five minutes later Emily walks into the office and said "whats going on is my daughter ok" the principal said "your daughter was riding on the back of a vicious wolf" Loran said "SHE IS NOT VICIOUS SHE IS MY AUNT AND YOU JUST SENT HER AWAY TO SOME STUPID DEATH TRAP PLACE WHERE THEY DO EXPERIMENTS AND EVEN POSSIBLY KILL HUMANS THAT ARE PART ANIMAL SO IF I NEVVER SEE MY AUNT AGAIN I WILL NEVER EVER FORGIVE YOU" the principal said "Loran can you go wait in the hall way please" Loran got up and sat in the hallway. Soon Emily walked out and said "lets go home and you are grounded missy" Loran got up crying and ran. Emily said "Loran get back here right now" Loran kept running and running until she got home she went up to her room and locked her door then sat there crying. Emily soon got home and went to get into Loran's room but the door was locked so she said "Loran please let me in I want to talk to you". Loran said "go away Emily I don't wanna talk to you" Emily said "please come out and talk to me little sis" Loran said "GO AWAY" Emily said "fine I guess you don't want any ice cream". Loran said "I DON'T WANT ANY ANYWAYS SO LEAVE ME ALONE" Emily went down stairs and sat in the living room and said "that usually works with her but now she desperately hates me". Up in Loran's room she prayed for Wolfie to be safe and return home safe and sound and to keep her big sister safe and to keep her safe as well then she layed down and fell asleep. Emily went to her room and just layed there then one hour later Loran got up and got ice cream then ran back to her room then locked the door again. Loran went out her window and ran trying to find Wolfie. Emily got up and went to Lorans room then said "I am sorry that I yelled but I say let's go down stairs and talk but no yelling" she stood there for like five minutes then tried to get in but the dooor was still locked so she thought that Loran was just sleeping so she went back and read a book. Loran said "Wolfie where are you" a big wolf about Wolfie's size so Loran hugged and said "Wolfie you have escaped I love you so much I…" the wolf said "I'm not Wolfie but I am a wolf and my name is Carlos but my friends call me CJ and who might you be little one" Loran said "umm nice to meet you Carlos I'm Loran" CJ said "just call me CJ and what brings you out here all alone to my big spooky forest" Loran said "I am looking for my aunt Wolfie she was taken by people who do tests on Supernatural creatures" CJ said "can I help" Loran said "sure" CJ said "what does ur aunt look like" Loran said "she is your hight and fully white Wolf but some times she's in human form" CJ said "like this" he turned human. Loran said "yes exactly like that but female and yeah" CJ said "we better get a move on before it gets dark" Loran said "ok" they headed on their adventure to find Wolfie. Around five hours later CJ was carrying Loran cause she was tired and her legs hurt from walking a lot. An hour later Loran said "that building right there that is where they are holding her" CJ said "lets rest for tonight then we will go get her tomorrow" Loran said " ok but we need to keep an eye out cause they have gaurds a lot of gaurds" CJ said "ok just go to sleep" Loran got down and sat down looking at the building then studied it CJ tried to talk to her but she was focusing on studying the building. CJ sat down beside her and she looked at him he said "Loran it's getting late I will keep watch while you sleep but I have to get sleep two" Loran said "ok sorry" she layed down and fell asleep uncomfortably so CJ layed Lorans head on his chest so she's more comfortable. In the morning CJ woke up Loran and said "lets go get your aunt" so they got up and Loran told him what to do. They went into an entrance where there were no guards then Wolfie woke up and Tom was doing different tests on Wolfie so CJ said "I think she is in that room over there" Loran said "if they are already doing the tests then I'm going to say that you are correct lets go". As they went to the room Wolfie said "leave me alone" Tom said "shut up you stupid wolf" Wolfie said "NEVER" she went up in flames and Tom backed away and said "haha you have fire proof straps so you still can't get up" he left the room not seeing CJ or Loran. They snuck into the room Loran said "aunty are you ok" Wolfie said "Loran watch out there is a bad guy behind you" Loran looked and seen CJ then said "no he helped me find you" Wolfie said "wait how do you know him" CJ looked at Wolfie and started to drool a little bit. Wolfie was no longer in flames and Loran was unstrapping the last one and Wolfie turned wolf and jumped then landed on Tom and he hit the floor Loran backed away affraidly so CJ turned wolf and said "Loran's aunt get back there with her I will take care of this guy" Wolfie ran to where Loran was and said "get on" so Loran got on and they were ready to run. CJ made a path for Wolfie to run past and get out. After they got out CJ ran out and seen them and when he got up to them they ran to CJ's home wich was a two story house with like 3 bedrooms on each floor and 2 bathrooms on each floor it also had a play room and a pool and every thing that any one could ever ask for. Wolfie followed CJ and started to slow down when they got to his house Wolfie said "wow this is amazing". They went inside and CJ turned human Wolfie let Loran get off then she turned human all three of them were now inside and CJ said "you guys hungry" Loran said "a little bit" Wolfie said "I am a little hungry two" CJ said "ok make ur selfs at home while I prepare some food" Loran ran through the house looking around and seen the play room then said "I'm gonna play is that ok" CJ said "yeah of course". Wolfie went to the play room and sat on the stairs CJ carried the food down and handed it out to Wolfie and Loran and he had a plate of food for him too. Wolfie said "thank you" CJ said "your welcome" Loran continued to play as she waited for her food to cool down some CJ and Wolfie laughed cause Loran was being funny while playing.Wolfie said "Loran why don't you eat then you can go play again" Loran said "ok aunty" she smiled over at Wolfie then sat down and ate her food CJ got done then Wolfie got done and CJ said "are you done or do you want more" Wolfie said "I am done thank you that was good" CJ said "ok and your welcome and really usually all my friends say they don't like it". CJ went up stairs and washed the dishes then Loran got done and Wolfie took the plate up to CJ then when she was handing the plate to him he touched her hand while grabbing the plate CJ said "sorry" Wolfie said "its ok" CJ went and finished washing dishes and Wolfie said "I am Wolfie and sorry I didn't introduce my self earlier" CJ said "Im Carlos but you can call me CJ and same here" Loran ran up and said "KISS" out loud by accident and then ran back down to the play room Wolfie said "Loran come here please" Loran ran back up and said "yessss" Wolfie said "uhhh why did you say kiss when you ran up here" Loran said " CAUSE I WANT YOU GUYS TO GET TOGETHER" she said quickly and Wolfie and CJ said "well even if we did get together we would have to get to know each other more and better". Loran said "mhm" Wolfie said " hehehe ummm what just happened its almost like we were one once…"CJ said "before". Loran said "it happened again haha" she ran back down stairs and went back to playing. Wolfie and CJ looked at each other then ran down stairs and talked to Loran for a few minutes. Wolfie sat on the stairs and Loran whispered to CJ "go over there and sit down with her and talk to her" CJ whispered "do you really think it will work" Loran said "I'm her niece I know what to do I think" CJ walked over than sat down and said "so what do you like to do in ur free time" Wolfie said "what free time are you talking about I have free tim all the time if Im not getting yelled at to never go back to a family members house or locked up and I love to hang out with that little girl right there she is like my life" CJ said "wow that was beautiful and I could see why you say that she is like ur life because she is so sweet and adorable just like her aunt" Wolfie said " yeah and which aunt are you talking about" CJ said "uhhh you". They talked for like five or six hours Loran started to get tired bcause. It was around 8 at night so she walked over and said "aunty I am tired" Wolfie said "I forgot we have to get you home" CJ said "can you guys stay for tonight please" Loran said "aunty please" she walked over to CJ and hugged him so he picked her up and she accidentally fell asleep so Wolfie said "ok fine but just because I love Loran and cause she's sleeping" CJ said "ok I'll show you ur roomand her room r you two can share a room or you could sleep in my room or…" wolfie said "hey now don't push it" CJ said "just joking" Wolfie followed CJ to the room that Loran was gonna sleep in so CJ layed Loran down on the bed and covered her up then CJ said "so where are you sleeping" Wolfie said "well I don't wanna be alone so Im gonna sleep in here" CJ said "ok well good night I guess". Wolfie layed down and said "good night CJ" CJ walked out and shut the door then went to the living room and watched a movie or two then a really bad storm came and woke up Loran so she screamed cause she never been in a bad thunder storm before CJ ran up and swung open the door Wolfie was hugging Loran and trying to get her back to sleep but it wasn't working CJ said "whats wrong" Wolfie said "she has never been in a thunder storm like this bad" CJ said "oh thats not good" Loran was hugging Wolfie really really tight Wolfie said "do you think you could help me out CJ she is really scared" CJ said "yeah of course" he walked over on the other side of Loran and sat down Loran said "I want my mommy" Wolfie said "we are not going out in that storm Loran im sorry" CJ said "why dont you two come and join me Im watching a movie" Loran looked up at Wolfie and Wolfie said "sure". They went down and watched the movie. As they watched the movie the storm went by and soon it was an all clear night sky and Loran was leaning against Wolfie who was sitting on the couch beside CJ who yawned and put his arm around her, she looked over at him then back down at the movie. Once the movie was over Wolfie was sleeping and leaning up against CJ with Loran who was also sleeping and leaning up against Wolfie. CJ whispered "hey, Wolfie you still awake" Wolfie shook her head so CJ laughed quietly cause he didn't want to wake up Loran. CJ said "do you want me to put Loran in her room" Wolfie didn't budge so CJ just sat there and soon enough he fell asleep. In the morning Loran woke up and went to wake up CJ but when she seen Wlfie leaning against him she didn't want to ruin anything so she went and played in the play room. Loran found play food and set up two bed breakfasts and put a short note on each one then it had the names. When Wolfie woke up she seen the fake food and didn't feel like sitting up cause CJ's arm was around her so she just waited until CJ woke up. CJ woke up like five minutes and sat up then Wolfie sat up rt before he did they both ate their fake food and CJ took the dishes and the fake food back to the chef (Loran). Loran said "so did you like your breakfast" CJ said "i didn't like it I loved it you are the best cook any one cook ask for" Loran said "is aunty awake yet" CJ said "yes oh and thank you for the letter" Loran said "ok and your welcome" then he picked her up and carried her to Wolfie and they tickled her then Wolfie remembered "oh dang it Loran we have to get you home" Loran said "why aunty" Wolfie said "your sister is probably worried sick by now" Loran said "ok" CJ said "bye guys keep safe on ur travels and please do come back and visit" Loran said "ok CJ bye" she hugged him bye then he said "bye Wolfie keep safe and warm oh and make sure that little angel stays with you at all times" Wolfie said "bye CJ and I always do so don't worry about that" they hugged bye then walked out side Wolfie turned wolf and Loran got on her back and held on CJ handed Loran a stuffed animal and a letter then Wolfie took off heading for Emily's house where there were cops getting information about Loran to go and find her then Emily said "she's back omg my little sis". Wolfie stopped on the opposite side of the street when she seen Emily Loran got off and Wolfie walked into the middle of the road so Loran could cross. Once Loran was hugging Emily the cops had guns with tranquilizer darts in them pointing at Wolfie so she turned and ran back up the hill and Loran said "aunty where are you going" Wolfie looked down at Loran then Emily then all of the cops then whispered "I promised that I would protect you for ever so thats what I'm going to do" Loran ran out into the road and a car was coming Wolfie went to get her but CJ got Loran out of the road in wolf for the cops said "both of you wolves get on back to the forest where you belong or else you will be put in a pound CJ ran up to Wolfie and said "come stay with me" Wolfie said "I promised her that I would protect her for always and for ever and I let her down" CJ said "you did not let her down" Wolfie said "oh really thats why she almost got killed by a stupid car cause she was trying to come over to me" CJ said "lets go we are about to get shot by cops cause they don't understand" Wolfie said "no I'm not leaving her ever again I promised wait who's that" Wolfie seen a boy get out of the car and walk over to Emily they talked for a bit then then Emily watched Loran be taken by the dude so with the cops still pointing the guns at Wolfie and CJ. wolfie ran down and ran right to Emily and said "what in the world is that guy doing with her" Emily said "I figured that she could go with my fiance to get on with her new life before I moved out there two" Wolfie said "you know that I love her so why is she leaving" Loran looked back at Wolfie with tears in her eyes and running down her face. Wolfie said "Loran noooo, Emily I want her and you to stay please I cant live with out you two" Emily said "I leave tomorrow and she leaves today with her soon to be brother in law" Wolfie said "no please don't do this to me I never done any thing to you" Emily said "let me see first you take her off of the bus then she yells at the principle then she goes missing for two or three days because you were taken away and locked up like you should be you stupid mutt so don't even try to find our new home" Wolfie turned human and fell to her knees and started crying so Loran tried to run back but the dud put her in the car and Emily said "actually I am going today as well" she went and got in the car. Wolfie saud "LORAN NOO I NEED YOU EMILY I MADE A PROMISE THAT I WOULD ALWAYS PROTECT HER SO NO MATTER WHAT I WILL FIND HER AND KEEP HER SAFE…" CJ ran over to Wolfie and said "are you ok Wolfie" Wolfie shook her head and said "Can we go to ur house" CJ said "yeah lets go" Wolfie turned wolf then followed CJ back to his place. They turned human and went inside CJ said "want something hot to drink" Wolfie said "no thank you all I want is for Loran to be here with us right now" CJ said "me two the last two days that we have hung out and got to know each other more and more it felt like we were supposed to meet" Wolfie said "I loved her like she was my sister or actual daughter and I felt like I belonged but now it feels like I should have… oh thats what I should've done" CJ said "what should you have done" Wolfie said "I can't do that then she would hate me for life" CJ said "Wolfie it's ok just chill out I know how you feel" Wolfie said "NO NOBODY KNOWS HOW I FEEL BECAUSE EVERY ONE I HAVE EVER LOVED HAS EITHER ABUSED ME OR LEFT ME OR EVEN TAKEN SOME THING THAT I TRULY DO LOVE AWAY AND SAID THAT I COULDNT SEE IT EVER AGAIN AND WHEN SOME ONE SAYS THAT I CANT SEE SOME ONE EVER AGAIN I JUST WANNA KEEP MY PROMISE AND IF I HAVE TO BREAK A PROMISE THEN I WOULD BE TERRIBLE AND RIGHT NOW I HAVE TO BREAK A PROMISE AND TRUST ME I HATE BREAKING PROMISES" CJ said "ok ok ok we will figure something out but for now will you go out on a date with me to save some one that since I have seen them at first sight i have loved her and her niece but if she is sad then I promise to try to make her happy" Wolfie said "no I can I am sorry I just want to go lay down and be alone for a little" CJ said "ok I am just going to sit in the living room and be lonely" Wolfie said "if you really do love me then you don't know me that well"CJ said "yes I do really love you" Wolfie said "are you ready to live up to ur promise" CJ said "as ready as I'll ever be" Wolfie then fell onto the couch while passing out CJ caught her and made sure that she was on the couch then he seen one of his bosses walk through the door and said "wow you did it you got my new pet" CJ said "she is not your pet so leave her alone" the boss said "oh your correct she's my guinea pig but she's a wolf so thank you for completing your mission" CJ said "THIS ISNT YOUR STUPID GUINEA PIG IF YOU REALLY WANT A GUINEA PIG THEN GO GET SOME ONE ELSE TO GET IT FOR YOU I love her with all of my heart" the boss said "ha love is a strong word" CJ said "at least i actually have some one to love and hang out with all you have are soldiers and im not one of them and i never was so now GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE AND LEAVE US ALONE FOREVER" the boss said "your little wolf is right PROMISE is a strong word and a big word that you shouldn't use it unless you use it correctly" CJ said "I know this and by the way you will never take her from me because She is protected" the boss said "who is protecting her" CJ said "I AM PROTECTING HER AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT THEN YOU CAN SEE IF YOU CAN TAKE HER BUT I WILL ALWAYS PROTECT HER I PROMISE" the boss had people go and pin CJ to the ground and grab Wolfie but as soon as they grabbed wolfie CJ went full blown wolf and got every body off and away for a few seconds then the cops shot him with a dart for sleeping. Loran said "Emily I DONT WANNA GO SO IF YOU DON'T TAKE ME BACK TO AUNTY THEN I WILL RUN AWAY FOR EVER AND EVER THEN YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FIND ME" Emily said "is this because she rescued you because if so I'm the one who called and sent her there both times because I never wanted her to come back and so thats why we are moving so that way she will never find us and so that way you can start a new life" Loran said or yelled "I WANNA STAY WITH AUNTY I HATE YOU BECAUSE YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE ME AND IF YOU LOVED ME THEN YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER SENT HER AWAY SO LET ME OUT" Emily said "no because mom told me to keep an eye on you so even if i have to lock you in a basement with no windows just to keep you at home then thats what I will do" Loran got so mad she turned into her fox form and Emily said "there's a fox in the car" so her bf picks up Loran and through her out the window into the grass because he didnt want her to go any ways Emily said "thanks bebe" her boyfriends name is Tom and he also hates hybrids. So Loran was now hurt and alone so she watched her adopted sister leave her behind then she looked towards her home where Wolfie her real mother was so she walked but her right arm hurt her so she was crying and walking trying to find Wolfie and CJ. She got back to her old house and went inside to see if Wolfie was there. So while Loran was inside her house as a human cause she turned back Wolfie and CJ were being loaded up into a car in cages Wolfie had a blanket over her cage but CJ was uncovered an hour later CJ woke up and looked around he then noticed that he was not able to get up. Wolfie started to move around and when she woke up she didn't see CJ so she stood up and walked towards a door that was lock she said "CJ where are you where are we" she didn't get an answer so she sat back down on the bed. Shortly after Wolfie sat back down the door was being opened so she turned wolf and growled when the door was fully opened it was a guy but he had two or three other people Wolfie said with a growl "let me go now" the guy said "hmm no sorry little wolf but I dont really like to let hybrids run wild so your going for a little ride" Wolfie said "no I am not I am going home" the guy said "let me introduce my self Iam Bryan who are you" Wolfie said "you know who I am stupid" Bryan said "ok Little wolf are you gonna come nicely or forcibly" Wolfie said "I AM NOT GOING WHERE EVER YOU ARE TAKING ME" Bryan said "ok so by force men you know what to do" Wolfie turned into flame wolf so Bryan said "I guess she wants CJ i think is the other wolves name who i sent to catch her to get hurt" Wolfie said "what do you mean for him to catch me" Bryan said "ohh he didn't tell you" Wolfie put her flames out and said "tell me what" Bryan said "I hired him to get you alone so I have been watching his house and he has done a good job" Wolfie said "no nooo that can't be true" Bryan said "be.. Because I… I love him" Bryan said "to bad he don't love you so boo who" Wolfie said "I dont care I am a lone wolf any ways". They talked for a while the Bryan said "lets go" she was now in a muzzle and there was two people holding a leash each on each side of Wolfie walking down a hall CJ looked at the hall way and seen Wolfie then he said "Wolfie don't go please" Wolfie growled then slipped out of the collor then ran into CJ and said "just like i said before who ever I start to love or even like turn their backs on me" CJ said "what are you talking about" Wolfie said "well why did you want me to go back to your house after Loran left" CJ said "because I wanted to ask you out but you looked like you needed a friend so I didn't ask you out" Wolfie said "or is it because you were getting me alone for your stupid boss" CJ said "that was before I met you because my boss found me all alone as a little pup so he turned me into some one who goes and gets different kinds of hybrids for him but I didn't know any better then he sent me after you but that night when I met Loran I knew that I had to help her find you that little girl is like an angel full of light and every thing else but I also knew that I couldn't I couldn't let you get hurt and that I was to protect you and her but I let you both down I am so so sorry" Wolfie helped CJ up and said "I am sorry that I believed Bryan" CJ said "I am sorry that you don't have your little angel with you any more" Wolfie heard a soft cry like a baby fox then she said in a whisper "Loran we have to go get her so you up for a little adventure" CJ said "heck yeah lets go".