A NewWord 7/15/19 Read Count : 48

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
FUCKARY- a word I never heard
Well-I read it today 
It caught my eye
I didn’t know what to say
It wasn’t “ Apple Pie”

I’m definitely no prude
I’ve heard and used them all
But this one was a magnet 
Like a writing on a wall

Not only did it fit 
It was most appropriate 
Clever and inventive -I thought 
Why didn’t I think of it!

Later that day 
When frustration paid a visit
A word came to mind
I bet you can’t guess what is it

Like fine wine
You only use it sparingly 
But a the “write” time
It’s good to use it “Sharingly”

If it came from my head
I would certainly not regret it
So thanks to 
She gets all the credit


  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    My apology to Tanya Funke 🦋don’t know why her name was omitted

    Jul 15, 2019

  • Jul 15, 2019

  • Jul 15, 2019

  • Jul 15, 2019

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