A Friend 7/10/19 Read Count : 133

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
The word is forever used
It sometimes gets confused

It can be anyone you trust
You can tell them what you must

If you trust them completely 
They’ll keep your confidence discretely

On some issues you may disagree 
But the bond will always be

So if the friendship has a bend
The major strength will never end

It can be a woman -It can be a man
You know through great trouble the 
connection will stand

It might be family-It might be friend
They’ll be there for you whenever you

You might have one you might have more
The friendship  cements when you both know the score 

When the union goes the way you intend
It’s a cherished word when you say FRIEND


  • Jul 11, 2019

  • Jul 11, 2019

  • 💜

    Jul 11, 2019

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