Boo Thang
Read Count : 185
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I guess now there's no more thrill in da chase, Together now just existing in the same space. Back then u wasn't my man but u was the closest thing dat i had, Now can't co-exist without one of us being mad. Back then wishing i was urs n u was mine, Trying to fight to find ways to be in each others presence all the time. Now it is what it is, Im trying to fight back the tears, Trying to ward off my fears. Trying to figure out what's the difference, So much interference. Driving me insane, Weight the pros n cons of us now n when u were my boo thang, Didn't know things would change, Thought things would basically stay the same. Back then u loved me so much more... Now u say nothing is never enough, I want too much... Maybe dats true, Maybe nothing is never enough, Maybe i do want too much, Maybe damnit! its cuz im supposed to. I wasn't ur woman but i was da closest thang dat u had, We not the same as we was when we were boo thangs.