The Water Princess (Chapter 3) Read Count : 149

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
      I pointed to Randy's father and told Ethan to join him because looking into Ethan's eyes he was evil. Randy teleported a fire gun in his hand that kills anything evil and they can't talk to humans, or come back to earth. He pointed the gun towards his father.
      "Any last words?" he said walking to his father. 
      "Go ahead!" he said then kneeled down and closed his eyes. Randy shot the gun then fell to the ground. I ran to his side then wrapped my arms around him. Ethan yelled then ran off. I knew he only tried to date me and fall in love with him because he knew I would break the rules to be with a citizen I love. 
      "Please! Can I stay here? I have no where else to go!" Randy begged sitting on the ground.
      "Yes! You may stay here as long as you want. Anything for you because you saved my daughter." my mom said walking in with my father wearing his big robe. 
        "Thank you so much your majesty!!!" Randy said in so much excitement. I smiled and gave my mom and dad a big hug thanking them. 
       Three months past and everything seemed alright although sometimes Randy saved me because after the witch and the demon tried to kill me, now people are trying to kill be because they will have courage, bravery, and my powers. 
      "You ok Crystal?" Randy said entering my room in a knight outfit, because he became one for all the times he saved my life. 
      "Yeah." i said watching Emma using her ice powers to slide into my room.
      "Emma! How dare you!" I said then paused. "How dare you not let me slide on ice with you?" I said laughing and standing up and holding her hand sliding. Then I fell and realised I made a mistake.
      "Oh no." I said realizing that I just got a new power. Now I had water, transportation, and now ice. I looked up at Emma and got up and told her.
      "Now people are going to be coming for me! I need to hide!" I said running to my room gathering ragged clothes and hats. I grabbed my horse and some food and ran away and erased Randy's and others minds that I am not and never was their friend. Then I left the palace and ran into he woods. I got off my horse and leaned on some vines and fell through into a cave that went into a big opening. There was a big tower, waterfall, river, and a garden. I lived in the tower and walked into town once in a while to get some seeds for some food and stuff to make my own bread. I always felt alone so I decided to go to town and get some books. I grabbed my horse walked out of the cave, made sure no one saw me so they wouldn't find me. I rode my horse to the village and got off my horse and walked to the book store. And this is a new village about three weeks away from my kingdom. 
      "Hello, Isabella there is this ball coming up this weekend. I was wondering if you would like to come with me?" my new friend Adela said. This village has another kingdom, and every girl wants to go just to meet the prince. I never met him, never saw him, and never talked to him. 
      "Sure! I'd love to go with you Adela." I said remembering the blue waterfall dress in my closet in the tower. 
      "Great! See you at my house at noon on Saturday. I'm so excited!" she said then walked back into her dress store. I walked to the book store And grabbed some exciting books. I walked outside and sat next to a water fountain reading a book I got. A big horse and carriage was out of control and the horses got attached from the carriage and headed straight for me.
      "MISS WATCH OUT!!!" a strange voice yelled and jumping on me to get me out of the way. I screamed because I got a little scared. 
      "You alright?" the guy said looking at me with his body on top of mine and his arms lifting him up off of me. 
      "Uh. Yeah. Can you please get off?" I asked rolling over to get out from under him. He is very handsome and cute. He's tall, muscular but not too much, tan, blue eyes, brown wave hair, and he was wearing a decent outfit that looked expensive. 
      "Oh, yeah sorry." he said then stood up and handed his hand to help me up. I grabbed it and looked at him.
      "My name is Isabella. I have three powers and my main one is water." I said sitting on the water fountain grabbing my books. 
      "I'm princ- um. I'm Adam. I also have water power. Transportation. And ice." he said then sat down next to me. 
       "Wow! I have all thoes powers!" I said staring at him seeing how he smiled a cute way at me. 
       "Is that your horse? It's beautiful!" he said then stood up. We both talked while walking to my horse.
       "It was nice meeting you Adam." I said smiling making my horse walk. 
       "I would like to see you at the ball Isabella." Adam said following me on my horse then waved goodbye. I made my horse go full speed to my tower/home.
      Saturday came and through the week me and Adam met up at the water fountain and talked. I put my blue waterfall dress on and walked to Adela's house. And like usual I never wore shoes, I walked, rode my horse, and did everything barefoot everyday. I never wore shoes. 
      "Wow! After all of thoes ragged dresses you wear, you have this wonderfully beautiful dress!" Adela said smiling feeling the dresses soft fabric.
      "Yeah, It was my mom's dress." I said looking at it now wondering if my mom ever did wear this as a princess. 
      "We should get going! It's a long walk there." she said walking outside then stopped at the door staring in surprise. I walked to the door and smiled. 
       "Yeah. My friend Adam said he's going to pick us up in his horse and carriage." I said walking out into the carriage sitting on a comfortable seat.
       "Awsome! I've never been in these before!" Adela said in an excited voice. 
      "I have been in these plenty of times." I said looking out the window. When we got to the palace, I saw Adam walk down the stairs in a...prince uniform. 
      "Adam?" I said getting out of the carriage walking to him.
      "Um. Yeah, I'm Prince Adam." he said then smiled nervously. I heard Adela screaming happily by meeting the prince.
      "And you never told me that you were the prince?" I asked crossing my arms.
      "Wait! You two have been meeting all week? And You didn't know he is the prince?" Adela said looking really surprised. 
      "Well. Yes! Let's go or we'll miss the ball!" I said forgetting about what just happend about what we were talking about. Me and Adela had so much fun, but Adam kept declining every girls asking him to dance. Then before sunset Adam grabbed my arm and led me to the roof of the castle. 
      "Isn't it beautiful? Well I think it can't be any more beautiful that you!" Adam said looking at his feet dangling from the roof. I smiled then leaned closer to him. We laid down on the roof pointing at the stars. Then I accidentally fell asleep. 
      "Isabella? Wake up! My parents are coming!" he said shaking me awake. Through the entire time I was at this village I almost forgot my real name. 
      "I'm sorry! I have to go!" I said jumping off and swinging off vines to get down. I whistled for my horse to come and she came. 
      "Come on princess! Faster!" I whispered with a tear falling from my eye. With Adam it felt like I was back at the palace with my mother, father, Randy, Emma, and my other friends. And that when I realised that the power of forgetting only lasts for a couple of days, and it's been past a couple of days. They all are probably worried. 
      Two days past and me and Andy has talked a couple of tines when I left the book store. Me and Adela always talked about the ball and that's when she asked.
      "So what did you guys do when he snuck you out of the ball room." she said then smiled weirdly.
      "Wow, um well." I told her everything and she got all happy and said.
      "He likes you!" she said then jumped happily. 
      "No! He's a prince." I said picking up my books and walking to my horse. 
      "Who knows. You could be a princess." she said smiling. Even though I'm not princess anymore because I signed a paper to not be princess anymore. So I'm not anymore a princess and don't plan to be. But if I fall in love with Adam I'll be queen. 
      "Well I have to go!" I said looking at this weird looking farmer with a hat blocking his face on a black horse watching me. I made my horse run fast because I wanted to get to my tower quick. I looked both ways to make sure no one was there then walked into the cave. 
      "Do you miss the palace Princess?" I said with a tear falling down. Princess nodded her head then walked to the little shed/barn I made. 
      "Wow!" a voice said behind be. I got scared to I teleported behind that person then saw it was Adam. 
      "Adam!" I yelled in anger.
      "I'm sorry Isabella. I just needed to talk to you!" Adam said turning around. 
      "Adam! Please! You can't stay here!" I said with my voice still a little shaky.
      "Listen Isabella!" he said walking closer to me. 
      "No! You liste-" I didn't finish because Adam interrupted then said.
      "I love you Isabella!" he said then gently grabbed my head and kissed me. I shoved him away then ran to my tower.
      "Please leave!" I yelled running behind the tower going into the secret entrance. I ran to my room and laid on my bed and cried myself to sleep. 
      "What am I doing here? What's my real name? Was I really even a real princess or was I adopted?" I said waking up to see a camilion next to me. 
      "AHH!" I screamed when it looked at me weird. 
      "Morning sleepy head. Look, I'm sorry about yesterday!" Adam said sitting on a chair. I stood up fast and backed up to the wall.
      "Uh...don't tell anyone where this place is! And I'm going to kill you for not listening!" I yelled running to him jumping on him and a little playfully.
      "Hahaha. Ok ok." Adam said sitting up and sitting down on a chair. 
       "Well please keep this a secret!"
       "I will!" Adam said smiling then moving next to me, then I couldn't hold it in anymore. 
      "Your a prince! I'm a citizen! You just can't be with me!" I said pushing him away. He looked at me sadly then smiled.
      "I can change the law!" he said the ran out and rode his horse quickly to the palace.
       "What just happend?" I said standing there clueless. 
       After that whole day of boredom and loneliness, I fell asleep.
End of chapter 3


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