Something New Read Count : 138

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama

Ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be something. I've seen some crazy stuff in my life. I seen women get beat men be so aggressive an mean to. Women Because of something stupid that u can work out. An I was like I'm never gonna let a man or a wanna be man beat me so I dated this boy I'm a give him a name mark so I dated mark in 5th grade I was twelve years old so we started dating an he got  abusive it started off with a punch an a choke so he said mean stuff I never fault him back I delt with his shit for seven months so I found a new person name Stewie an he choked me felt like I was going to have a attack so that when I started to fight him back but we broke up it was better for me an did I say he kicked me multiple times oh I didn't wanted to do werid some but I wasn't up with it an then I was in 8th grade I dated this one awesome person I'm not saying we went to the same school or not but I was in 8th grade when this happen so I met this one not I thought he was everything an a bag of chips I didn't care how he looked or anything else so then people was like u shouldn't go with him he ugly slow just mean stuff about him an I didn't care cause  I thought he was all mine but to find out that I was sharing him with two more bitches I was like damn but I didn't care I still stayed we was off an on we fault almost every day after school like over dumb stuff I was the only one who was getting blame for cheating an dumb shit bro but he was right I was cheating I wasn't ready to give up my past of being a pimp so I did what I had to do from being hurt for him an anybody else I put up a garud from boys just because of my past an I'm finally letting down my gaurd so things went down in a bad why we broke up but I loved him I loved all three they had a part of my life that I wasn't ready to let go of but I'm letting go my love will never change but I'm a new person an let's say his name was Billy so u loved them very much so this is my story something new 


  • Stay strong.God bless you dear

    Jul 07, 2019

  • awesome

    Jul 07, 2019

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