Blog #5: Updates! Read Count : 48

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle

Hey guys! 

I am so excited to be back and write for you all. I have been very busy and not able to post as much as wanted to. I have to start school in about a month, so there may be few uploads (about two or three a week, but don't hold me up to that). Also, there will be no uploads Thursday because season 3 of Stranger Things comes out then (Yay!) and I will be with my friends bingeing it. Also, its Independence Day so I will have plans (Fireworks, parades, and bonfires!). I have some plans for here as well for the fourth (I know I said no uploads but I changed my mind mid-way writing this, also, I want to release something but can't Friday because I am spending time with my family at the waterpark). 

On the Fourth Of July, I am releasing a new story that I am passionate about and have been working on for a while. I will only release chapter 1, but I will continue to upload it every Saturday starting next week (I need about a week or so to make each chapter). The story is called The Immortalist, but I won't say anymore about it. I am having a difficult time on an other story I should release every Wednesday, so I need your help! Tell me in the comments which you would like read more (they all take place in the oldern times):  

  • Fallen Angel: About a girl and her journeys through a new world that she doesn't know or how she got there.
  • The Rise: About a group of people who have to band together and face hardships to make it through a war.
  • Shattered Light: About a girl who has to learn what life and love is again because of what she went through.

All of these stories go hand in hand (as do all my stories because they all take place in the same world...or do they???). Choose wisely if you want it find out everything. When I finish the one you guys vote on, I'll do the same thing with the remaining ones and have you vote again. Just type in the name of the story you want to read and the one with the most comments wins. Good luck!


One more thing before you go, my Choose Your Own Adventure book is discontinued. I know many people loved it and wanted more, but I just couldn't keep making it. I have improved so much as a writer and I have lost my inspiration for the story. I was rushing and it was not being written the way I envisioned it to be. I lost interest when I realized that letting people decide was not what I wanted to do. I couldn't bend the story as much as I would of liked to, compared to if I wrote it normally. I kept the feel of the old story in Fallen Angel, just this time it will gonthe way i want it to. I am sorry to those who wanted more, but i want to write what's true to me. Please forgive me.That's all for now. Bye! 

~Hope May


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