Ones Uncertainty
Read Count : 66
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
The saddest path to nowhereIs the realization of ones destinyIt would seem this path is predeterminedAnd yet not because of the chaosIs it ones confusion of ones own realityOr simply the delusion of ones own sanityThe interesting questions we ask ourselvesIs it real at all or is this just a dreamOne may never knowOr perhaps this is a gamethat we simply can’t escapeHow is it that the rules then bendOr will I ever come out of this comaNot sure but to put it simpleI can’t be sure I wrote this to youCould you be sureOr are we trapped in a maze of illusionsWell one thing is for sureThat is uncertainty is always lurking
Maurice Beres
The uncertainty comes from within and we all have it at different times There can also be a balance between of Situations and we can derive people and satisfaction from that If one is overwhelmed with uncertainty It May help to dig deep and try too established the reason (s) Why as well as more positive things your Life
Jun 12, 2019