His Blindness Read Count : 140

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

I walked alone, as the rain struck down upon my optics.

They were riddled with rain, soaked in mist and, constantly, I was met with the task of trying to maintain the clear vision.

The droplets of rain had whispered in my ears, loud whispering. 

For I could not comprehend their speech, yet I was disturbed and unfazed at the same time.

The mist had blinded me and I had been teleported into a dark hallway. 

My only source of illumination was a small candle. It lied on the floor, where water was slowly rising.

Scribbled on the walls were writings and the walls of where they were located were drenched with water.

I walked through the dark hallway, candle in hand. 

More writings, more water.

A door was exposed to me and upon opening I saw an individual.

He sat amongst himself in a chair, walls were slowly erecting around his person. 

"Why am I like this?"

A blinding light attacked my line of sight and I was back in the rain.

My optics were ever more covered in rain and mist.

I quickly cleaned them, and continued my journey.

Perhaps, I still harbor doubts about my self. 


  • Jun 11, 2019

  • Jun 11, 2019

  • Jun 11, 2019

  • but good

    Jun 16, 2019

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