Category : Articles
Sub Category : Relationships
Chauvinistic behavior has become more subtle. Men in the ofce might not invite a woman to a group lunch to discuss the new project or make a point of seeming bored when you ofer insight or suggestions at a meeting.
Discrimination has become more clever...but still insidious.
These are not actions that a woman can successfully report to the EEOC. This underground chauvinism creates a new anguish felt by those shoe- horned under the pain of politeness.
To those women out there in the workplace that have to quietly endure this indignity, you have my full support and sympathy.
Never one to end an editorial without some homage to subject humor, I ofer the following--
Charley was a male chauvinist. Even though he and his wife Jenny both worked full time, he never helped her around the house because housework was for women.
Then one evening Jenny arrived home from work to fnd the children bathed, aload of clothes in the washer and another in the dryer, dinner on the stove, and the table set. She was astonished—something’s up.
Turned out that Charley had read an article that said wives who worked full-time and did all the housework were too tired to have sex.
Their evening went well and the next day she just had to tell her ofce friends. “We had a great dinner and Charley even cleaned up. He helped the kids with their homework, folded the laundry and put everything away. What a great evening!”
“But what about afterward?” one of her friends asked with a sly smile. “Oh, that was perfect too; Charley was too tired.”
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