His Story Read Count : 140

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : History
                                                   January 20, 2017 • Friday
                                                                 5:23 AM 
                                                         -Earlier That Day-

Waking up to get ready for school, getting out of bed to take a shower. Then getting dressed before walking down stairs to get myself breakfast. On my phone, going throw some friends, snapchats. Waiting for my little brother, Eric so we can go to school. Seeing him running down stairs, in a rush "Let's go now, don't wanna come in late again like a dumba** " he said as he gets an apple. We walked out to my truck and drove off to school at 6:20, we have 5 minutes to get to class before class starts. We get there on time.

In 3rd hour, Physical Science I got a message from Miguel.

 MIGUEL : you four will be coming or what?
 Me : yeah but Raul wouldn't be able to go 
 MIGUEL : oh alright then, you guys would have to us at my school parking lot tho
 Me : alright

Went to all my class and met up with Aaron and Alan after school at 3:07 to go meet up with Miguel and the others at their schools parking lot. We got there at 4:38 and drove to the mall; We just hanged out as a group. Then we all went out and eat. One of friend's, James wanted all of us to go to his place to get high on weed. Most of us felt like going just to chill there and James, his girlfriend, Stephanie and Victor were the ones who wanted to get high. 

Once we got there we were just chilling in the house, while the three were getting high in front of us, us five were just talking and laughing about some random things. Alan had to call his girlfriend, but needed his charger which was in his backpack that was in my truck. So I went with Aaron and Alan to go to my truck. As we got there Alan sat in the back seat of my truck as he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Aaron and I were outside in the front house, I was leaning against Miguel's truck that was parked in the front, I was facing towards the house and Aaron was standing a couple feet away from me and the truck, towards the street. We were just talking about life and some random things. "What time is it Carlito?" he said, "It's 11:20". We continued to about things and laughed about some random sh*t we say till I heard a car apporching from distance but didn't mind looking back.

Then I heard gun shots from behind, got shot in my upper back. A burning feeling on the spot, going down to my knees really quick as I turned and grabbed Aaron by the hand and pulled, not knowing how many times he got shot or where. Getting shot the second time in my wrist, ignoring the pain in my back and used my other hand to pull. Once he got covered, hearing a deep voice from the vehicle saying go, a couple times. I looked at Aaron, seeing the blood on his shirt and the floor. Hearing yelling around us, then the ambulance came taking us to the hospital.


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