Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Yes they call me the doll lady. I have over 200 babies. I hear from many people how porcelain dolls creep them out. Questions like why would I want porcelain dolls? I answer with my heart. Porcelain dolls to me are like children. I would not want a child left somewhere and not taken care of. They are actually deeper to me than that though. I have always been haunted by spirits since I was little. They follow me around. Now I have vessels for them to live in. Beautiful vessels that gives them home and comfort. Yes they do act up on occasion just like children and just like children you make them mind.
Kamal Kishore Sharma
Mam you are having 200 spirits in dolls but how can you prove it? You are haunted by spirit or ghost since child hood so you are having a protective spirit or not whether you have received any message from that spirit. You might share your views to any occultist or witch doctor I mean healer who would let you know the motive of spirit escorting you! What ever you wrote in your memoir about metaphysical experiences and you are hopeful that two hundred spirits will talk you occasionally. It is supernatural aspect of your life you should call your self as Lilith Raiser but not Doll lady because doll conveys a meaning or message about a lustful or lewd sinister ipso facto witch that believes in witchcraft means rising the spirits in zombies and necrophilia but to be witch is not easy task .It requires a lot of practice and patience as per rituals that may some what Satanic Rituals but in some myths Lilith and witches as well as harlots are considered as Goddesses because they soothe the desperate men and heal them doing sex or congression and treat them with titillating ecstasies. I have numerous friends on FB they are either witches or healers and I read that they may resurrect the corpses rising spirits so some what philosophies I read in reference of Voodoo, zombies and black magic etc. As there are numerous schools of occult and witchcraft so they are graduate means Certificate holders, Diploma Holders and so on. These schools are spread through out Europe mainly and they believe in religion that may be Witchcraft or Occult etc. I want to see your museum and collection of beautiful dolls and you are Queen in your Empire.
Jun 11, 2019