Come Get Me... Read Count : 83

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

I am woman.... 

Wise woman. 

Wild woman. 

Ancient muse of artists and poets. 

I crave a partner who can discern my siren call. 

I've been the shadow that's slipped past him on moonlit nights.... when he's been searching his heart. 

He's reached out to grasp me... but the time was never right. 

Like a wisp of wind, I've eluded him on his journey towards enlightenment. 

Perhaps he was not ready.... perhaps I wasn't either. 

Perhaps while I've been listening to the whispers of forest spirits and leaning against old wise trees.... he's been a step or two behind me, aching for the sound of my footsteps on sodden moss. 

I am a woman.... 

Wild woman. 

Spiritual seeker. 

I want a man who will feed my soul. 

I have seen him in the cards.... he's elusive. 

But he's real. 

He is a challenge. A man who knows his path. 

He is the kind of man who will drink my essence.... but he won't worship me. 

Because he knows how real I need to be. 

I am a woman.... 

Wild woman.

Ancient muse. 

Wise woman. 

Spiritual seeker. 

He admires my fire.... he melts at my touch. 

He enters my soul through my eyes. 

I am a woman.... 

A man who feeds my soul can feed my body as well. 

He admires my solitude.... turned on by my mind. 

He lives for my next breath of wisdom. 

I am a woman.... 



Spiritual seeker. 

Ancient muse. 

I am everything he's been looking for. 

The books of writings on my wall, the unexplainable soul alignment vibrating in the air, the card splayed to tell his future.... all are sacred food for him. 

I want a man who understand walks under the heavy magical Moon. Who will take my hand and tread through silently falling rain. 

A man who talks to the stars.... and for whom the planets turn. 

I want a man whose smile will drop me to my knees. 

Whose mouth burns the back of my neck right down to the bottom of my spine. 

Whose love leaves no question.... for he knows that I am the One. 

I am a woman.... 





For that man, I will give him everything. 

I will give him a drink of forbidden fantasies... and let him know me in my darkest form. 

A man who feeds my soul gets me raw. 

A man who feeds my soul walks with his Faith as his guide 

He is at home in this world, and the one in between.... that place where spirits gather, and everything is known. 

I will let him feed me with his magic.... the words that only he can speak. 

And I will let the rich timbre of his voice caress my ears while I lie stretched naked in his arms. 

He will not run no matter what I reveal. 

I am a woman.... 

Spiritual seeker. 



Ancient muse. 

I want a man who will serve my soul. 

Who knows that I am his universe.... 

that I am the sea at midnight, 

the plaintive sound inside a seashell, 

the whir of hummingbird's wings at dawn. 

He knows that I am solitude. 

He knows that at times I am a destructive wind,

sometimes I am the frozen tundra.... 

and sometimes, I am the heat of a desert isle. 

Sometimes he is those things too.... that's why he gets me and still stays. 

I am a woman.... 


Spiritual seeker. 


Ancient muse. 

I want a man who will serve my soul. 

For him, I will lay down my defenses. 

I'll put my sword in its safe place. 

I will drop my shield. 

I am a Woman. 

I will let him in. 


  • Jun 09, 2019

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    This will be a very fortunate exceptional man and you will be equally fortunate as you are already exceptional 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Jun 09, 2019

  • Jun 09, 2019

  • Jun 10, 2019

  • Jun 10, 2019

  • kanchan chauhan

    Kanchan Chauhan


    Jun 10, 2019

  • Nghashi Eka

    Nghashi Eka

    you are a paradise thats highly protected from the outside,but i think it's worth the risk getting a spiritual woman

    Jul 25, 2019

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