Conservative Movement Read Count : 140

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Conservative Movement

The red is on the rise in our modern society. Egos flaring, levers of power turned, the scales of liberty turned to the right with freedom in the balance. With the left unable, unwilling to accept the election results. Attempted assassinations on government officials, riots on college campuses, shutting down of free speech.... it's been quite as my wife likes to put it... "a spectator sport" 
What's really going? What's happening behind the scenes ? Why is the Obama care repeal so hard and the replacement deemed so bad ? All possibilities in our minds are possible and each sides view points of the potential evil collusion of the other side and hypocrisy is a possible well thought consideration... who is right? Who is wrong ? What is a lie ? What is truth ? It's tiring if I don't say so myself. What is going on in our world. We're are we headed... total government and state control or freedom ? History shows us we could go either way. America has a funny way of showing that. We have seen so many different outcomes in our mere short existence in history when you think about it. We have not even been around 300 years. All major world powers through history have fallen eventually. One thing is most likely sure though of America falls it will be from the inside out, and implosion... civil war. No army on earth can touch us but we ourselves can be the authors of our own destruction.... my advice is to pray, seek God and humble yourselves so we can see 1 Chronicles 7:14 manifest.... 

Peace to you all, may God be with you and in you... amen

( I am trying to make a faith based, primarily independent, libertarian, conservative media outlet... maybe a newspaper magazine ect... Please email me if you have any interest or leave a comment. thanks for reading guys)


  • Nikki Gardner

    Nikki Gardner

    great minds think alike u no the secret to life so does the the goverment but they use it as a evil power

    Jul 01, 2017

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