Mystic Creatures: Heart Broken Read Count : 146

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure

Hazel wandered around the city for a bit, trying to forget the argument she had with Ace. She walked into a store on a corner of a bad neighborhood; a couple guys saw her and followed her in.

"Look at her, she has to have some money on her. No one here wears clothes like that." whispered one of them.


"She's cute.." commented a boy.

"Let's go!"

Hazel walked towards the back for some snacks, thats when the boys approached her and chuckled. She minded her own business and continued shopping. The boys split and blocked the asile exits. She looked up, looked around and saw two of them on each end of the asile. They came closer to her, with smirks on their faces. She felt uncomfortable, backed into a shelf.

"Money! Now!" said one of the boys.

"What..?" Hazel said, sweating a lot.

"Money stupid," one of them pulled out a knife, "purse and wallet!"


"No? Give us the wallet-"

"And purse!"

"No! Somebody help me!" yelled Hazel. One of them covered her mouth and pointed a gun at her head. The other one put a knife to her throat.

"Die now or money."

"Wish Ace was here..." thought Hazel shaking her head, "No I said!"

"Fine, have it your way!"

"Ahhh!" she screamed.

A figure appears and removes the gun before it was fired and stopped the blade with his arm before it could reach Hazel's neck. The two other boys stopped. Blood dripped from the third boys arm and head.

"What the hell Jackson!" yelled the leader of the gang.

"Damn gang," Jackson chuckles, "stoop this low?"

"Stoop low?"

"Going to kill this girl for some couple dollars?"


"Alright," Jackson paused and looked up, "say sorry."

"Sorry? Heheh, no."

"Albright," his left eye turned from blue to black, "get ready to feel my dark angel wrath!"

"Dark angel?"

"Heh," chuckled Jackson as everything went dark.

Two hours later, Jackson and Hazel were walking in a park near a river. They laughed and talked all night.

"For real!?" laughed Hazel play punching Jackson.

"Yeah, he just decided to throw a pie at my brother but he missed and hit me." answered Jackson.


"Crazy, huh?" asked Jackson leaning in closer to Hazel.

"Yeah..." Hazel said softly blushing. Jackson leaned in closer to Hazel and closed his eyes. Hazel met him halfway and closer her eyes. They kissed for a long time.

Ace dropped flowers and a box of chocolate. He watched, in tears, as they continued to kiss. They slowly separated from each other. Hazel caught a glimpse of Ace in her eye; she saw tears in his eyes. Ace turned around and walked off.

"Everything alright?" Jackson looked back and saw Ace.


"Let's go to my place then."


Hazel and Jackson left the park. Hazel stayed up until midnight thinking about Ace.

"He had flowers..." Hazel looked outside, "and he was crying.."

"Come on Hazel, come to bed." Jackson grabbed Hazel's hand and lead her to bed.

"Sorry Ace.." Hazel thought closing her eyes.

Ace layed in bed and stared at the ceiling. "Hazel..."


  • IAm#Awesome Hi

    IAm#Awesome Hi


    Jun 07, 2019

  • It was to short..... i wanted to tras more!!!!!

    Jun 07, 2019

  • Tamali Hewagamage

    Tamali Hewagamage

    Am really glad you didn't lose your touch! Its as good as it was!

    Jun 07, 2019

  • Sep 25, 2019

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