Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
I was only ten when I got touched. I was sitting with my mom ex boyfriend and I had a blanket over us. I didn't think nothing would happened well I was wrong. He was rubbing my thigh multiple times and after he was done with that he had went in to pant into my panties and started to rub me in that area and I was ten so I didn't know what to but just sit there frozen not knowing what to do. I sit there for a couple of minutes then I leave with my blanket and he was begging me to come back,all I had said was no. Tried to tell my sister but the words wouldn't spill out I even tried to tell my mom and the words wouldn't spill so all I did was run up in room all alone crying in the corner not knowing what to say or what to do. I was a little girl then not knowing what was going on. Ever since that day past I been different. I been quite, not wanting to get close to anyone. I was fithteen when it had happened again I didn't know what to do but sit there for a couple of minutes but this was my boyfriend that had done this. I sat there for a couple of minutes and then I push his hands away. Then that's when our moms had picked us up and then that's when he texted me saying "I'm sorry if I made u feel uncomfortable", I had say "no it's fine I should of told you I didn't feel comfortable".
The end
By Arilena Castro
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