Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Do you feel lost? Do you often feel forgotten and unloved? Let me remind you that you are loved, beautiful, and important! You're our Fathers , miracle! You/I/and all creatures were created for a reason. We all have purpose! Do me and yourself this wonderful favor! Are you ready? Now put your hand over your heart. Do you feel that? That's called purpose you are alive for a reason. Be beautiful and bold. It's never to late to be what you could have been...You/me/ and all must do the things that we think we cannot. Sometimes what we want to do isn't what we need to do. The challenge is to always do the good and whats right in your heart! This means even if others fail to see your reason and do not appreciate it. Give the world our Father and yourself the best you have. Pray, ask our Father to give you courage to take more risk and you shall receive the strength and that undying love that makes each of us a Miraculous Miracle! I love you who read this and God loves you too. Be blessed and filled with inspiration and love. Go above and beyond and begin you're journey! Never give up, never quit, and never give in to the fear of failure. Without failure we would not achieve perfection. Let your new beginning start and your dreams never end!
To: All
By Dorothy I NettlesTV