Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Ever been bullied?... most kids now adays in 2019 go through bullying... ehe... i know i do. Bullying causes kids fo self harm, cry, do hurtful things and commit suicide.
You feel lost, lost in a pool of water. Youve sank so far down its hard to swim back up because theres no fresh air for you to breathe. The bottom of the pool is dark,lonley, dim. No light and no one around you. You feel lost. Lost in your mind, heart and soul. But where is your destination? Where are you planning to go?... happiness? Happiness is a false thing that keeps us hoping and believing and wishing. The sence that we will always be happy or be happy one day, keeps us fighting and surviving waiting for that day ... but who said that day will ever come in this life time?...
Your lost, we are all lost. Im lost, your lost and we need to help each other... instead of seperating. Without hope or the sence we will be happy there is no point fighting. Forever lost we will stay...
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