Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
A seed is small, tiny and unnoticeable insufficient something so small but it has its purpose, we all make individual choices every day, sometimes good choices and sometimes bad we all know what the purpose of a seed is casting the seed away and it lands on the hard, dry ground the seed will be burnt and scorched by the sun no depth nor earth, no water and being blown away by the wind it did not serve its purpose it was a choice but it wasn't not the right choice a small tinĂ½ seed can show the beauty and glory of God planted at the right time of the year with plenty of sun and water and on good ground remember I said the seed is unnoticeable and insufficient we need to take the time consideration about the little seed and what it could become without a vision the people perish the little tiny seed turns into a great tree twisting winding in reaching up spreading its branches in worship and majesty to the glory of God.
Luke 8:15
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