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Sub Category : Spirituality
"...; in the haunt of jackals, where they lie down, the grass shall become reeds and rushes."
When GOD promises HE fulfills. I like major prophet Isaiah how he points out to the future. The habitation of jackals has grass mostly, even of dragons as some versions put it. The Hebrew old testament names it as tan·nim which means prophet Isaiah meant jackals, tan is a jackal but other translated versions put it as dragons. However this scroll today is not worried about the translations, the scroll is giving the promise to somebody who is in haunt of jackals, evil foundations of poverty, wicked ancestral family foundations, wicked manipulation. Prophet Isaiah says the grass shall be reeds and rushes [isa35:7]. Reeds and rushes plait mats, make chairs, make variety of products so they make wealth. GOD wants to make you productive and HE is destroying the haunt of jackals you are dwelling in right now. GOD is about to stir up trouble in that haunt for total utter destruction of its foundation just like Babylon,
"and Babylon shall become a heap of ruins, the haunt of jackals, a horror and a hissing, without inhabitant."
(ESV) [jer51:37]
This is a promised future that this scroll is giving you fellow readers in CHRIST, the future has already begun, it began when JESUS took another scroll of Isaiah in the synagogue and declared HIMSELF [luk4:16_21] The salvation that GOD will provide includes both spiritual well being and physical wholeness. Move out of that wicked foundation, make a new covenant with HIM and hang on this promise which shall be completed fully on HIS second coming [rev21:4] I see one reader is too slow to catch this but brethren in whatever ministry you are in , just know and believe that already most things have been demonstrated by JESUS in HIS own ministry. This will be fully realized in the resurrection bodies of GOD s people when CHRIST returns.
Dear beloved readers receive deliverance, be free in JESUS CHRIST name,
My scrolls dont promise, they only reveal other prophetic scrolls which carry GODs promise since in the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was GOD.