Tales Of Down & Dirty Dating Read Count : 210

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Comedy
What is it about the world today that everything is done online now? We can shop from the comfort of our home or even our cars. There's not much that we cannot do now with the advent of the let's do this now technology. It's not just personal items that ease us into less social time with others but it is also the case in business. The clock doesn't run from nine to five anymore. It is now a twenty-four hour clock. The days of Monday through Friday are long gone, even vacations aren't time away from your job.
The point that I'm making is as much as we are a closer society in terms of technology we are that much further from real flesh on flesh interaction. Online shopping lacks seeing a face. How do we have any involvement with others? We barely do. If we could remember another time before cell phones or shall I say mini computers that are shackled to us like an old time ball and chain. We had downtime. We has less stress. We worked on being charming to get someone to aid us in our endeavors. Flirting was innocent. We flashed a smile maybe winked at a person of the opposite sex(or not) in order to get a little leverage in our lives. Maybe it was the housewife who flirted with the bag boy to get him to carry out the groceries out to the car. Perhaps it was the waitress or saleswoman who who flirted with her customer for a larger tip. How about the man who flirted with his coworker to get her opinion on something. It was all innocent fun. 
Here we are in an age of now and then. It doesn't matter the situation this little device has changed the way our lives function. We can send messages. We can access the Internet. We can take pictures. We can send correspondence without even needing an office. Who do we have to see when we have a piece of glass, some electronics, and a network of communication signals that transmit and receive all this information seamlessly. Yet we can conduct ourselves in a new improved and faster manner. Yes? No!
The world has changed so things as simple as dating has changed even as much as it should remain the same with finding someone who grabs your interest either physically, mentally, emotionally, or a mixture of all that combined to someone that you'd like to get to know. But how do you do that now when all points we had before have been taken away? That's something I've been trying to discover. The game is the same. It's just been turned sideways. 
We still are selling ourselves and it's just in a different manner. We do it online...
We use our cameras to take a bunch of picture of ourselves in various states. We literally can take 100 photos and choose between them for the one if we are lucky two pictures that we can elect as worthy of showing the public. But we aren't limited to one photo. We have a gallery of our uniqueness to show the world at large. It doesn't stop there. We still have to elect for a name that's worthy of our stature. That can be as simple as slapping the keyboard and letting the divine create a jumble of nonsense for everyone to wonder what you are about. That's the basics but it's far from over. 
We can input out location, age, sex, sexual preference, interests, hair color, eye color, income, occupation, height, weight, race, religion, marital status, etc. That's a lot when you think about it. When you come down to selling yourself you can fudge it a bit if you want or a lot. It's like trying to buy anything online. You can presently be surprised by what arrives once you physically get to see it in person. 
So now that every bit of what is important to you or what you believe the other person believes to be important is out there it's time for the sales transaction or the test drive. 
Let's not be fooled it is called dating. Somehow that act has been pushed to being online. All questions that one has for the other person can be like an interview with question after question being batted back and forth like a tennis match or it can be more intense and feel like an interrogation. Even with that being said the more interesting ones are the abstract questions that just draw a picture of who each other can be. If they are who they are? After all this is a total stranger. So you elect to meet in populated area for safety sake. But even that is taking a back seat and the most daring ask to meet at their home. Did the stranger danger. Warning just blare the siren telling you to trust your instincts? There's a possibility that the other person may be genuine and there is nothing to worry about. 
Well the time has come to actually meet and the stories that are to be told are real and the names have been changed to prevent an scrutiny. I'm pretty sure they'll read this and know who they are and their naughty or nice habits. 


  • Mar 12, 2017

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