Carpe Noctum Read Count : 180

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Prologue By JH

You and I have never met, well not face to face and shook hands. I can promise you this with utmost assurance, for if we had brushed paths, I would not have let you recall the experience or have let you live to make it this far. Sitting, here, in your favorite chair with this book in your hands, the perfect picture of ease and comfort. With that said, allow me to formally introduce myself.

My name is Deidra Nicole and I am a vampire.

The admission must stir a response. After all, how many times do you have somebody tell you such a thing in a candid and lucid manner? If you gazed upon me, it might make sense, and as we spoke, you would realize something was different about the woman seated before you. With the black lace fitted dress, with red trim tightly hung on my perfect body provides a stark contrast against this pale complexion. Then you see the beautiful flaming locks of auburn hair that flows like silk across my shoulder and down my back, and not to forget the bright hazel green irises with my plump blood stained lips, you would swear I had lipstick on. My mouth would move in conversation without revealing much of my teeth and as I spoke, you wouldn't really notice the formal way I conversed until you truly listened. It's almost like a woman out of place in time.

My apologies for that in advance by the way. Old habits die hard and after centuries spent getting over to the notion that we immortals – we less innocent – must sound like relics straight out of the previous century, and I unfortunately have not been able to rid myself of these characteristic.

That is not why I chose to set pen to paper and regale you my story, however.

I could and will spend some time on the shade of life as a vampire – the social structure, habits, and what not. I promise not to bore you with such a thing for to long though, but I must confess I started this undertaking with one sole purpose in mind - to tell you a story; my story. Horribly pretentious of me, is it not? But I assure you, I am no ordinary vampire. Granted, I still feed as one. I possess the fangs, the will and instinct of one and few characteristic of the more common vampires. But, the casual observer misses something very important when it comes to me, though, a very crucial feature underneath the long, flaming hair and above the crooked smile.

Do not fret, though. Most people do not know what they should be looking for when they see me. Not many of your kind recognize the bright emerald green eyes, with something unique in them or know of their relevance and for very good reason, unique creatures such as I do not wish you to know. There exists an entire world underneath your noses that you overlook every day and only when the supernatural world falls onto your lap do you know of its presence. I was much the same as you a few centuries ago, an unsuspecting, unknowing mortal with dark green eyes instead of the unearthly irises I now possess.

It seems I have lived so many lives in what would appear of my still short time on Earth.

Such is why I made this very brash decision. Somebody has to know the truth. The truth of what is out there. I have held many titles, been several people and several things already. There were years when I gazed at you with compassion latent in my stare and years when I beheld you with coldness before sending you this package. Saint and sinner; bitch, friend, and foe. So many lives lived with an eternity lying in wait for many more to emerge. I'll not linger any longer on riddles, suffice to say. There are many layers to this creature who walks in your midst and yet, you rarely cast a second glance my way. In order to tell you how it ended, I must tell you how it all started.

My name is Deidra Nicole and this is my story.

It all started with a birth on "The Dark Day" in 1780 and ended 22 years later with a murder.


  • looking forward to the next piece

    Jul 03, 2017

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