Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I am not scared
of what came before me.
Let it be a man
with powerful shoulders,
Let him come with ten more touching my hair,
Or with his full gang of men
ready to play with my body,
Might be live a river
full of drunkard lustful mens,
Who all would destroy and spoil my body and life,
to the eternal death.
Bring whoever all you could
O man, I am waiting for you.
I shall not be alone
nor would I, you and they.
We shall all or at least few of us
would be there, in the hell
to start our life.
This poem is dedicated to all those victims of rape. Never give up. What a effort by SATAN, who has mixed pabola's ALWAYS poem just to breathe a hope of living for all those abused ones. Never feel bad about yourselves because you aren't responsible for all that happened with you.
Bravo GOD'S SLAVE, Bravo.