Why I Hate My Life Read Count : 95

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

-No one loves me

-People call me ugly

-people hurt me

-people say I should. KILL myself

-Im lonley... And have no friends



.......but then again it could be worse. I'm trying to keep myself up. But the pain if shoving me back down and injecting me with hate... It's not fair! What did i do to deserve this 😢 I just want someone to look at me and tell me im beautiful and give me a hug and say that i belong in this world... But. I don't wanna be in this. Hateful, disgusting place. I wanna be free. I wanna be me... I wanna be only me... But. I have my girlfriend to help me through life. She is probably the most loving, beautiful, caring, and hopeful person I will ever know❤ I love you Audrey❤ 


  • Hang on me

    Hang On Me

    is this like a piece of writing or do you need help? 🤔🤔

    Jun 19, 2019

  • life has its up and down but you'll be okay

    Jun 19, 2019

  • Gary Monto

    Gary Monto

    I am an Apostolic Pentecostal writer my precious friend, we can hear many voices in this world Some are very good to hear and inspirational and some we do not need to listen to attitude may not be good about how they look at life it can only hurt us and others and we need to avoid them if we can, I don't know you, but my attitude is the care about people I believe you are a sweet person and you care and don't let anybody tell you you're not a beautiful, especially yourself personally I can see the beauty in everything God looks on the heart Man looks on the outward appearance, there's beauty in everything in God's creation I don't have to know you I know you are wonderful and sweet person don't worry what people think just be yourself and let them they see the beauty in you.

    Jun 19, 2019

  • you should not hate yourself

    Jun 19, 2019

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