Poets Hands Read Count : 243

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Silenced Poets Hands

With silenced poet’s hands, we speak. 
Of rhythmic chaotic verse.
Coded message for the weary and meek. 
Woven within majestically written word.
Humanities hopeful dreams. 
Set free from this place we've come to curse. 

Hidden amongst us, here and now. 
Guided by heaven's hand. 
Mighty savior to whom we shall stoop and bow. 
To take within his merciful hand.
Freeing forgotten souls below, and above ground. 
Leaving only the few who chose to build of shifting sand. 

Upon this glorious sight.
Rich with heaven's bountiful might.
Mankind shall be delivered from a hellish fight. 
When all comes to light, 
Playing out foretold events by silent poet's hands upon this very night. 

© 2014 Dell Anne Raye 
All Rights Reserved


  • Mar 12, 2017

  • Mar 26, 2017

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