Presidential Nursery Rhyme Read Count : 184

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Tinkle, Tinkle
Little Czar
Putin Put You
Where You Are

(as seen on a protest sign at Not My President Day event on The Late Show)


  • Low quality political crapola. Trump is a jackass in oh so many ways, but, he has done more honest good for THIS country than any president since Kennedy and he was a little corrupt himself. Yes, he shoots his loud mouth off like a rich entitled New Yorker but he is learning to be more tactful, impressing us more and more with foreign policy and looking out, for once, for the LEGAL citizens of the United States. We can no longer afford to amass illegal immigrants and give them jobs our citizens need. If you want to immigrate, do it the legal way. Do what so many of my friends have; Get a legitimate spouse and then contribute to society or go through the proper immigration exams and become a US citizen. Trump is a expert business man, you cannot deny that no matter how much you want to hate him and list reasons for doing so. The economy has been boosted, jobs are more abundant and the Obama health care mess just might get tossed out and replaced with something better. Does President Trump need to socialize and add a few honest Liberal/Democrat/Environmental officials to his team? Damn skippy, yes he does! But, for a stuck up real estate billionaire from Manhattan that knew nothing about politics he is learning very fast and by the time his term is up I believe he will be a great asset for the United States and a great candidate for reelection. My only wish is for him to become buddies with Bob Dole and start paying attention to climate change and the extreme environmental issues we are having. I believe if he could balance that with his suoerb business expertise he will be one of the greatest Presidents in US history. For the first time in my life I believe there is a chance for the U.S. to be able to live by it's founding Constitution that our country was founded upon. With some modern updates to some amendments and a few tweaks to the 200+ year old statues, this country could truly be great again. Something it hasn't been since the days of Lincoln because of corruption and greed all over the White House, Pentagon, Federal Agencies and CIA. Trump is many things, has said many things that I do not agree with but I believe that if he loses his immense ego a bit, opens his mind to topics beyond finance and war he could make us all citizens of The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave.

    Jun 20, 2018

  • going back to 1917?

    Jul 27, 2018

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