Meaning Of Life Read Count : 197

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Life is a form of energy or a test to see what kind of person you really are sometimes well all the time when good things happen to use after after a little time bad thing happens Sometimes people change you like we'll have you ever hear that your parents tell you that "be careful with who you are and what you have" if you have than you better listen to it because it can change you for the better or for the worse. In life some people just gauge people from the way they sound ,look or even eat,OK even if do that it just well shows that I am a bad person who should never do that it hearts a there people. Now a days its value heard to find Friends who are good and kind heard and when you make a friend they are nice for a amount of time but all of a sudden they charge, it means that he or she is not a person never was originally will be, it happened to me I wanted to change that girl who turned into a horrible person because of her phone, but I couldn't change here at all so we had a fight on what's up not a good time because my family from England came so since that day I never had any interest with people like her but I'm not saying that you should give up I'm saying that warn them about the mistake they are doing in there life which will not end well.

Well I think that's all thanks for reading this and if I made some mistakes please tell me because I'm new at this 


  • please tell me if i made some mistakes so I can make the next one beater

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