On The Edge Read Count : 171

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
To the mind's eye, she's free;
Her mind in total ease
Power she's grasped
And in her hands flow energy

No feelings are rushed,
Her mind in total tranquil
Every breath in isolation
From deep within there's no striving

Persuasion subsided,
And the abyss endears with pleasure
It captures and softens,
What a song of serenity with sure stability

The structure aligns with intricacy
And each step awakens a marvel
The awe serves no distraction, as the
Centre of interest and accomplishment stands.

No barrier in site 
And nothing to hold to bear
On tiptoes, her wings spread
She's ready to fly...


  • wow just wow I'm not in to poms but I love that one just by reading it i want to read more

    Jul 01, 2017

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