Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
This story is really a different one and this story happened near my neighborhood. The story is so simple but the mindset that criminal had is out of words.
The place I was staying is a remote area and wasn't populated to that much. So when it comes to peace, I have the best place but I didn't know that IN THAT PLACE A CRIME HAS GOT COMMITTED AND HAS BEEN HIDDEN FROM MONTHS.
There stayed a family of 3 members, a father, mother and their only son. The father was working as a bank manager in the near by locality and his wife a housewife. Things were pretty last year and even I had gone to their 30th marriage ceremony. They looked happy and after that incident as usual I traveled to goa and after a month I went back to my place, I didn't see anyone in that house and the house remained locked for 5 months and afterwards I heard from a real estate agent that the house was purchased by other person. The new neighbor stayed there for 4 months and after some problems asked me for suggestion. I suggested them to change the vaastu(entrance plan of the house). They felt that the building was too old and decided to demolish it and build a big house. They demolished the building and called me to see whether the place is as per my plan and I nodded OK.
They dug the place and I saw it in front of my eyes, exactly after 7dugs, the next one brought the skeletons up. I and the property owner got horrified and called the cops, after all the investigation for months and just before a week it got solved, it was in the headlines of all the newspapers, the son had killed his parents for money and property and had dug them into his own house hall.
Now I stay in a layout but still that thing keeps haunting me. How can this types things happen? It is really shocking. Crime indeed has many faces.