President Trump True Or Trash ? Read Count : 122

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Sub Category : Politics
President Trump True Or Trash

By Stephen Rochon

I am 29 years old and voted for the first time in this previous election for a president of the United States and I am still at this point proud to say I cast a vote for Donald J. Trump. There are so many points of view on his analysis so far... some say he is doing good, he has done a little, has done a lot, has done nothing... a lot of those who say he is doing nothing are well respected NON main stream media figures that speak truth and credibility. Steve Deace is probably his biggest critic on CRTV and the cast of his show. I respect those view points though and helps me gain a for knowledge of what is going on. I also listen to Mark Levin, Dan Bongino, Steven Crowder, Daniel Horowitz, even Alex Jones once in a while. Fox News I will put on from time to time but we all know the death of cable media has come upon our generation however they did it to themselves. With the exception of Fox News... highest rated cable news station and most watched with at least a small smidge of credibility left. 
    It's no secret based upon my posts, blogs and writings I support the conservative party. But the Republican Party itself is diminishing as we know it... there is talks of The Federalist Party 're igniting and it is in full force... also other parties are on the rise and rightfully so the left and right wing have dominated American Politics for so long so maybe it's time truthful, freedom based , constituionally valued, moral parties rose up and claimed there rightful seat in some elected offices....
       Now back TO President Trump. Yea he says some crazy things and is a sinner like all the rest of us but I do believe he has a heart for the American people first and wants to see our country to better. He has cut regulations massively, has helped the Vets, Did away with alot of Obama's Executive Orders. They are having talks now of repealing Obama care even if they don't have a replacement fully written up ready to be voted on yet. He is keeping a lot of the campaign promises he spoke of. Some are happening quicker than others, some may not happen.... who knows we will see right ? One thing I can be sure of though if Trump completely turns on the Republican party we may yet to ever see a red president again... a lot was on the line this election I literally thank The Lord Hillary did NOT get into office. However he has to deliver on what he said, he turned the tides in the people's favor ran as an outsider an won. He has put the media on blast and rightfully so. There evil talking heads from the pit  of hell that spew out hypocrisy and lies...

Lord may your will be done and may your love pentrate the hearts of our leaders and may Jesus take His rightful place in there lives amen. 


  • how do you like it guys ?

    Jul 01, 2017

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