My Life Story
Read Count : 140
Category : Articles
Sub Category : Lifestyle
My name is Christiana l was born November 5 2008 when I was born my mom and dad find out l had heart problems at 1 years old I started walking because my aunt had food will I was watching doodle bop I love food I walked for it at 2 years old I was facing in my crimb at 5 years old I started head started I went to kindergarten 1st grade 2nd grade and then Orlando came and my mom had to say in the hospital there was an angel over my mom and Orlando my brother was not souooped to be here but he is here made it there he had doses god is my rock because I have a brother now me my mom and brother have a close relationship then here comes Davene me my mom or davene could have died but they both here Davene have Altama
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