Sleeping With The Raz Read Count : 132

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Comedy
Sleeping with the Raz.
   Name a dog Razy and what do you get? No sleep that's what. 
  9pm, come on Razy its nite nite time.  Me I watch Tv in bed till 12.30 Razy 4 feet in the air. Tv off finally asleep.  What's up my nose?  Razy get your butt and your tail out of my face please. 1.15, MOM. WAKE UP, I GOTTA GO PEE.  Ok Razy hurry up. 10 mins later back to bed,  but cant get back to sleep. Watch more TV, a bit of FB 3 am sound asleep.  3.45,  MOM, MOM WAKE UP I HEARD SOMETHING, WANNA GO LOOK.  No Razy its nite nite time get over there with your 3 bones and go to sleep. FINE THEN, BUT DONT SAY I DIDNT ALERT YOU TO THE MONSTERS IN THE NEIGHBORS YARD.  Must sleep.  But CHOMP CHOMP, HACK, CHOMP CHOMP.  Razy I'm going to pitch those bones out the door if you don't go to sleep.  OK FINE MOM, LET ME JUST DIG A LITTLE HOLE RIGHT HERE ON THE BED TO GET COMFY.  6 am, MOM MOM WAKE UP ITS DAYLIGHT, COME ON MOM GET UP I GOTTA PEE. Pulling my hand and pouncing on me. Must be serious.   Ok everyone out to pew, back in.  Now leave me alone.  BUT MOM YOU FORGOT OUR MORNING COOKIES.  OK here's a big cookie. I going back to bed awhile. OK MOM IM HAPPY NOW.  I COULD USE A NAP. ,  about that time PEWWWWWWW. WOW MOM THOSE COOKIES GIVE ME GAS.  I'm up!!! 


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