Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
You never lose what u never had
So take these words. .my pen n pad
Rip up every reason i felt sad5
Toss the part i thought i was glad
Verse i wrote you
And ended it my bad 

You got a lil close everyone does
Felt a lil simple sippn that natural life buz
Said u trusted me...hell every body does
Mind fucks deeper than kisses n hugs
And they always take a picture something like them jail house mugs
If i open up they will too ...something broken hearts tug
Relate n shit feeling new kinda love
Thinking that the one was sent from above
Forget what reality's made of
Cuz isnt it nice to think there's no end to surprise
No sacrifice no mis read compromise
No wondering no lies
No reason either or tries
If i lost you its no suprise
Think i already did that before sun down sun rise
If so i won a big fukn prize
I didnt fall so hard still another part dies
Is it wrong that ive got eyes
No tears no cries
So let me tell you bout give a fuk highs
Cuz most of you see my post and i write pretty wise
I know bout the reasons u think takes fbi it a game cuz we all playem
If u cant fight ur own battles just payem
If no one seen the INBETWEENs i gavem
Blast IT or me n the back of the head where i usually savem
Along with everything else ....make sense of wut most see as my life mispelt
Oh cuz im Reminiscing once more with a title need help
So is it bout me or is it bout u
Me n u..them too soooo
Tell me everything and know wut i see n u
Tell me how they played u and act like im schemen too.
Its easy to be there its easier grieving too
But its whole nother something when u hear im scared so im leaven u
So i think of every reason i wud be deceiving u like playing dumb niaeven too 
But all paybacks or payed in even twos
Why do we fight just to know one will lose
Wen its to much to forget u see them too doubts along with my own damn clues
So u too
U got it figured out
Endless ryme u know wut its all about
I scream them quietly so i shout
And laf a lil crazy
If u havent given up u still amaze me
I can write this now n act like shhh never phased me....letting someone in is a want for God to save me ...i can only judge myself for every fault i wish they gave me...u get it or u dont....u believe em or u wont ....i want to be a positive to someone who trust n gets me.....if u can keep up with this shhh this is it lets see..or am i just another case of i let the shhh called caring effect me


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