Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
SATAN once again starts his hunt and enters twitter,
And feels happy and cold looking at the actresses bold photos and stares at their assets like a man-eater,
But after sometimes looks at the comments section and burns red hot like a water heater.
Majority of the comments were from the INDIANS who called the actresses as bitch and whore,
This issue arised from the dress they wore,
Actresses fall under the section of beautiful womens who are the mighty SATAN'S assets,
It was below dignity for a SATAN to see people use those obscene words like a falling sunsets.
Gone are the days of complete cover of female bodies,
This are the days of complete freedom free from oldies,
We no longer stay in the period of those age past goldies.
Freedom shouldn't be the word of only males,
For my hero SATAN says, "now even you deserve it equally O females,
If you can't fight and get it, don't worry O beauties, you still can rely on this mighty Lord of whales,
For even the words of a GOD'S SON can fail but not the GOD'S SLAVE, the justice he breaths and inhales,
For O World, don't you people know from where does this mighty SANAT hails?
If not, Haa...haaaa.. look at all those centuries old gods who have gone unnoticed by the SATAN'S punishment of merciless nails.