The Hungry Little Wolf Read Count : 119

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy

  One day, long ago, before any of you were ever born, there was a little wolf searching for his loving and caring mother. Hours went by and he still could not find her.  After a while, he decided to go home. Later that night, after the moon had come up and the sun had gone down, the little wolf got hungry. As he walked closer and closer to the village where man lived, the little wolf could start to smell something that made his mouth water. "What could that amazing smell be?" Thought the wolf. He wanted to go and investigate what the delicious smell was but as he started to get close he remembered what his mother always told him, "never go to man, they are dangerous". He didn't want to disobey he's mother so little wolf went home and waited for his momma to come back. The next morning as dawn was breaking and birds started chirping, her opened his small eyes to his mother coming over the hill with a nice big breakfast in her mouth! And they lived happily ever after.


                 The End


  • May 19, 2019

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