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REALTIES OF A SKINNY LADY. I kown this piece of mine will sound personal to most people and most people find it unnecessary to talk about in our part of the world. Is important for both male and female to kown their body type. There are three types of body; Ectomorph(skinny), Mesomorph (curvy) and Endomorph (thick body). Interestingly most people have combination of the three body types. In our part of the world which is West Africa, a woman is suppose to be thick, I mean she should have big ass, big boobs, wide hips, thick legs and arms. Some of us turn out to be opposite of what is said to be a real African woman. Skinny ladies face physical and emotional challenges just like fat ladies do and being an African lady makes it even worse. It would surprise you to kown that not only fat ladies struggle to find cloths that will fit perfectly but skinny ladies to. Cruel comments from people, mostly men is something skinny ladies deal with. Some guys makes it look like they are doing you a favour by asking you out ( dating ) and when you refuse they say hurtful things. It is so rude when some one just ask if you are sick(last time i checked someone can look fat or big and still be sick) or why you are skinny( last time I checked none of us created ourselves) or if you eat? (It's the most ridiculous question to ask, please we do eat unless that person has eating disorder and don't ask where all the food we eat go) Sometimes people try to squeeze into small space on a bench or chair because they see a skinny person already seated, hello we also need room to breath too. The fact that we don't have those curves does not mean we are not human so stop starring at us like we are from another planet. And where did the idea that skinny ladies can't cook come from come from? The dumbest thing someone can do is to judge someone cooking skills based on their body type. To my skinny ladies, there is nothing like a perfect body or a normal body , learn to love yourself the way you are and don't let what people say about your body make you change what the Creator has given you. It does not matter how skinny you are.