Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
For the years I've wasted so far, and the ones I've yet to start
I've began to wonder if all the choices I've made so far have been so smart
For the better part of my life I stayed away from the 'dark side'
Now that I've affiliated myself with it; it's like the only amusement ride
In the beginning I only used to smoke and puff on those foggy jib bowls
Now I fill myself over and over with useless holes
The only hole that needs 'fixing' is the hole in my head
If I don't smarten up soon, I will only find myself dead
Look at yourself, and look at your life
Don't you ever want to be somebody's wife?
I know that it's easy to say, but it's not that easy to do
I want a fresh start; I want to try something new
Doing this shit, it hasn't been something I've advise
I know all the decisions that I've made haven't been wise
Before I'm lost forever, I need to get out of this life style
I didn't realize the truth before, I was in denial
The truth is, I'm an addict; and I am co-dependent on the high
It's some kind of thing that I never thought I'd try
It started as an experiment then turned into a disease
Luckily for me I've never gotten any deadly STDs
Some of my friends are gone forever; just like that
Here one minute then gone; just like a drop of hat
I'm scared that might be a possibility for me
One bad whack; and its goodbye Bree
More and more I question myself on why I'm still here
Losing your life is something everyone should fear
What would that do to my family; my friends; and my pets
It's something that not anyone truly ever forgets
Addiction affects everybody, not just the one using
Living a clean life; a real life is something not worth losing
Before my life is over, young or old; I need to get away
I would be lying if I said I'm going to start today
Addicts don't become addicted overnight suddenly
That's something I learned in recovery
Doing dope isn't as fun as I thought it would be
I feel like I'm trapped; instead of feeling free
Maybe that's a blessing that is being disguised
Overdosing won't be how you hear I died
Using drugs; isn't a cure for pain of any kind
It's only a substance that will fry your mind
When it comes to healing your heart and your soul
Try something other than dope; have some self-control
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